The In Denial Queen

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Demille Gomez announces withdrawal from WTA finals due to her right leg injury.

Demille turned off her phone and closed her eyes after what she read, Juan's decision really stressing her out. How many times did she begged Juan for not to do this? to not say anything about her injury to the media and especially to her Mom, WTA finals is really important for her but her two coach and Mom didn't allowed Demille this time because for them her injury will only get worse if she pushes herself further.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. Our flight is ready for departure."

She took a deep breath and imagine how Juan will freak out, how his eyes will widened, and how his face slowly turn into tomato because of anger at the moment he found out that she's not in her hotel room anymore but already in Barcelona, she grinned at her thoughts before closing her eyes planning to sleep the whole flight.

Carlos shook his head while watching Demille slowly walking towards him waving her hand happily like a kid who was just came from summer camp after two months not seeing her parents "let me help you walk" Demille smile on her face quickly faded away and rolled her eyes on him "did Juan know about this?"

"I can walk properly now and ofcourse he knows!" she quickly avoided Carlos gaze and ofcourse he didn't believe her he grabbed her suitcase turned his back and walk ahead of her "also Klein" she added before following him

"no te creo" 'I don't believe you' he said and glance at her

"well i'm okay now it's been a week Charlie and I can walk or run already, hello!? I even manage to be back here all by myself" she rolled her eyes again "logic" she whispered while side eyeing him

"so they didn't know?" he stopped walking and faced her

"they know!"

"okay i'll call them" Demille quickly grabbed Carlos phone when he attempted to type Juan's name on his contacts "see? you're lying!" he stopped from walking and face her "mentiroso!"

"they will not let me so I ditched them" Carlos rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone back

"you liar" he said and quickly ran away from Demille, she took a deep breath and quickly followed him while repeatedly calling his name her voice echoing in the airport which made Carlos stop and glared at her because of embarrassment.

Carlos parked the car infront of Ferrero's on court and they both went inside they were greeted by the noise of children playing on the tennis court, the two went straight to the cafeteria and ordered something to eat.

"and why did you chose to be here? than come home to Italy?" Demille chewed and swallowed her food first before answering Carlos question while his attention is on her


"Andrey Rublev?" Carlos smirked after seeing how Demille face turned red and quickly looked away

"w-what!? n-no!...ofcourse no!" he shooked his head while controlling not to laugh

"Oh really?" He asked in a teasing voice "Rublev~ Rublev~Rublev~"

"come on man! why the f*ck is he the reason I came here? think!"

"Because you like him?" Demille quickly hit him on his shoulder that made Carlos groan in pain

"you deserved it!" she glared at him before bitting her pizza that she's holding " we.are.just.friends."

"okay as you said so, but he just won at Gijon right" Demille nodded while chewing not even throwing any single glance on him "did you text him? Or call him?"

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