Don't you dare see her.

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Pov : In Taehyung's office

A/n - So here Taehyung and yn are busy in preparation for the meeting.

Tae - "Ms. Choi get the meeting room ready in 5 min. I will be there in 5 min.

Yn - "Ok sir"
You went from there to prepare the meeting room.

Time skip in meeting room.
A/n - So everyone there for the meeting. Taehyung took his seat and you took your seat just beside him. Mr. Cheon was also present there. He was the person with whom the meeting was fixed.

Tae - "So shall we start the meeting Mr. Cheon? "

Mr. Cheon - "Yeah sure Mr. Kim"

A/n - The meeting was going smoothly unless you noticed Mr. Cheon was continuously starring at you. And his stares was obviously neither good nor his intentions.
You were curling up yourself or more precisely we can say you were covering yourself with your hands.
You were looking uneasy by his stares which was definitely didn't gone unnoticed by Taehyung.

Tae pov : I was being focused on the meeting when i feel that yn was just moving her chair from here to there. As i was sitting beside her i can feel that. Then i noticed her stares towards Mr.Cheon. He was daggering his eyes into her.
I can sense that she was feeling uncomfortable with that.

Tae - "Mr. Cheon i think you should focus on the meeting rather than checking out my secretary. " Taehyung said with little bit of angrieness in his tone.

Mr. Cheon - "No Mr. Kim i wasn't checking her. " He said in nervousness.

A/n - After the warning Mr.Cheon turned his attention from yn.
After 30 min the meeting ended.
Everyone stood from there place.
Mr. Cheon approached Taehyung and said.

Mr. Cheon - "So Mr. Kim the meeting was good and i like your idea too..... And i guess i am ready to invest in your company as your partner. "

Tae - " That's good... thank you ...I appreciate that. "

Mr. Cheon - " Ahmm.. Mr. Kim I would like to talk to you in private can i ?

Tae - "Yeah sure! Everyone can leave the meeting room. " He ordered his colleagues.

A/n - Everyone left the meeting room, except you, taehyung and Mr. Cheon .

Mr.Cheon - "Ahm.. Mr. Kim I have one favour to ask you .May I ?

Tae - "Yeah go ahead. "

Mr.Cheon - " As you know there are less people who can handle many things at a time. Who are very talented and good at everything. You know it's kind of hard to find such people. "
He turned his eyes towards you.
"Will you mind if i say i want your secretary to join my company at any position she want. I will pay her handsomely. "

A/n - Hearing those words taehyung's hand turned into fist. He sharply glared at him and said.

Tae -" Don't you dare to complete this sentence further. Otherwise i will not think twice to raise my hands irrespective of your position. " He looked into his eyes and said...
"I know...people like you just use them., You won't care about them... rather you just want them".
"And about the deal i dont think i can collaborate with you. Actually i can't trust people like you. Please get your ass off from my company. "

Mr. Cheon didn't said anything and went from there silently.

Taehyung banged his hands on the table angrily and said... " I can't understand how these people become bussinessman. Idiot! "

A/n - You were standing there, still processing what the hell just happened. Taehyung turned towards you and said..
"Ms. Choi it's ok you don't have to take these peoples seriously. Just get him out of your head. "

You nodded your head silently and said... " Sir i will go and check some other comapnies to colaborate with....A good one. " You bowed to him with an expression less face and left from there.
Taehyung sighed.

Pov : At an abundant place

A/n - A man was tied with a rope and from his condition it seems like someone beated him hardly but not to be injured.

The man - "please leave me. Why are you beating me? What i have done? Why do you tied me here? Who are you?... His bunch of questions got interrupted when someone entered in that place being dressed up in black... Face was covered with a mask.

??? - "Shut up Cheon why do you have so many questions? Can't you just keep your fucking mouth shut?
Is it too hard to keep your mouth shut.. I guess no because your mouth was running like scissors infront of someone. "
I will not do anything to you but will give you a warning don't mess with any girl...i repeat don't... they are not your fucking property. If i find a girl being in trouble because of you... I swear that will be your last day on earth. And i mean my words... Is that clear Cheon. "

Mr. Cheon - "yes i will never do that again please leave me" He said breathing heavily.

??? - "Let him go".Be careful with your actions Cheon." The person warned him for a last time.

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