You didn't hear anyone respond, when you suddenly heard Mina's voice closely behind you. "I'm coming too."

You turned around and nodded sharply, continuing forward. "Move it people!" Mina yelled.

As you got closer to the centre, you saw a flash of blonde hair, as well as a chilling breeze making multiple crowd members shiver. Your eyes widened. Todoroki.

With as much force as you could muster, you and Mina shoved two people apart, eventually getting to the centre of the action. A small gasp escaped your lips as you saw Bakugou and Todoroki in a fight.

"DIE!!" Bakugou yelled as he charged towards Todoroki, explosions bursting in his palms.

Todoroki quickly dodged the attack, summoning ice in front of Bakugou's feet and making him fall forward. Members of the crowd quickly stepped back to move away from the hot-headed blonde, who stood up with even more fury.

"Bakugou! What is the point of this?" Todoroki yelled to him, standing his ground as Bakugou prepared for another attack.

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY, YOU ICY-HOT BASTARD!!" Bakugou lunged at him, his hands out in front of him with explosions sparking outwards.

You inhaled sharply, and without thinking leapt quickly in between the two of them. You generated electricity in the tips of your fingers and placed them on Bakugou's chest, sending him reeling backwards.

He didn't fall over, except snap his head upwards and began to scream, "HAAH?!  WHO THE HELL DID THAT- Y/N?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" 

"Bakugou, stop!" You yelled, anger resonating in your voice.

"WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME TO STOP?!" He exclaimed indignantly in response.

"Bakugou. What the fuck is the meaning of this fight anyway?!" You looked back and forth between the two, Todoroki offering a small shrug and Bakugou simply glaring fiercely at you.

There was a silence and you sighed exasperatedly, "Look, if one of you doesn't fuckin' tell me right now why you two are fighting, I swear to god I'll-"

"WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO STOP THIS GODDAMN FIGHT, BIG-EARS?!" Bakugou yelled at you, his anger only rising.

"Can you stop fuckin' yelling? It's too fucking early for this. I'm stopping the fight because this is fucking stupid. It's 8am! How have you two pissed each other off so much that a fight has to happen?!" You angrily pointed at both of them, wincing when you unintentionally used your injured arm.

"See?! That's why!" Bakugou pointed towards your arm.

"My arm? What the fuck does my arm have to do with this?!" Your tail swished agitatedly behind you.

"Because this cocky bastard fucking did that to you!" Bakugou left you speechless as your eyes slowly drifted to your arm, before meeting his gaze again.

"Bakugou, I already apologised a hundred times-" Todoroki began, taking a step forward.

"THAT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER! DOES THAT UNDO THE HOLE IN HER ARM?!" He seethed, his hands smoking cartoonishly in of anger.

Todoroki looked stunned and simply looked away, and you could almost feel his guilt building up again in his silence. You growled and walked towards Bakugou.

"Listen, you need to stop, and although I appreciate the fact that you're worried about me, it doesn't give you the right to fucking start a fight!" You poked your finger at the blonde's chest to enunciate your words, "Todoroki is one of my closest friends at UA and I already forgave him!" 

Warmth [Todoroki x Fem Reader - MHA/BNHA]Where stories live. Discover now