#26 - Universal Stunts

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After a week of staying with his relatives, the family decided to go to Florida, since Ben and Jarred really wanted to go to the universal studios in Orlando and visit the old Nickelodeon studios there. After they packed their bags on a Saturday night, they headed of the next morning. After 2 days on the road, they finally reached Orlando. They got 2 nights in the park's resort which they settled there for the night.

Next morning was a Tuesday morning. They quickly got into their car, and drove to the park right after they had finished their breakfast. They quickly got into the park, and went straight to the Nickelodeon studios. They expected it to be closed, but they were hosting a fair that week. Unfortunately, they said it will be opened at 1pm, so they went around the park and waited for it to be open. It was about 9 am, and the park had just opened. Most stages and shows weren't opened yet, so they decided to go ride some rollercoasters. It was super fast, and it made some very scary turns. As a result, Ben threw up almost immediately after he finished the ride

After the ride, the family decided to split up. The kids decided they were going to go on more rides, but the parents obviously had enough. While the parents waited in a coffee shop, the boys wandered around the park. As the brothers were wandering around, they found a stage called 'Fear Factor Live'. Since they had watched the show before, they knew what it was, and thought it might be interesting to go check it out.

They sat in the arena along side with about a couple hundred other audiences. The stunts were very crazy, and heart-stopping. After 1-2 stunts, the stage staffs rolled out a strange-looking contraption, and said they were looking for a volunteer. The stage staff's finger pointed directly at Ben, and he was very surprised. He came down to the stage to be the volunteer nervously, not knowing what he will have to do in front of hundreds of audiences. Ben was told to strip down which he took off everything except his white boxers. The staff back stage then measured his weight which was 110 pounds. He was then told to wear a very big pair of pants made from clear plastic tarps with suspenders suspending from his shoulders. He was also given a pair of goggles to wear. Later, he was guided back on the main stage, and was told to stand infront of the contraption. The contraption looked like a water wheel merged with a tank filled with fish.

After everything was set up, the stage staff started explaining the stunt. Firstly, the staff asked Ben his name which he replied with "Bennett". She then said "This stunt is a messy one. After we activated the machine, the rotten fishes in this tank are going to come flying at this brave boy. What I want you to do is try and catch the most fish in your pants. After the stunt ends, we're going to weigh you again to see how much fish you got. You might stink very badly after the challenge, but I guarantee you that you'll get cleaned up.". The stage staff then asked Ben "Are you ready, Bennett?" which Ben replied with "I guess.". The staff then exclaimed "Let's get started!!", followed by a croud of audiences cheering.

Soon, the machine started throwing the fishes at Ben. The some fishes landed on his head, and some slapped his face and stomach. The rotten fish juice was starting to cover him as well. Soon, his body became drenched with the rotten fish juice, and fish scales and bits of fish started covering him as well. Meanwhile his underwear also got drenched with juice, and was covered in rotten bits of fish. His face clearly expressed misery and disgust at the same time. At this point, he got about half of the pants filled, but there was still more to come. The only thing he could smell was the smell of fish. His hair was very slimy and stinky while his hace was hit by a non-stop stream of fish. Some time later, the tank was almost empty, and the fish guts dangled off his hair and body. It was finally the end. The last batch of fishes were coming, but the last one got inserted into the front of Ben's boxers. He immediately picked it out, and threw it back in his pants. It was time to weigh. He carefully stepped onto the scale, and got an impressive 135 pounds of fish. Everybody then clapped and cheered. Although the stunt ended, a boy staff still wasn't done. He snuck behind Ben with a small bucket of fish oil, and poured it right on his head. The fish oil coated his hair, and covered him in a brown tint. Everyone then laughed which made him very angry.

Eventually, Ben was led back stage where he was hosed off, and had a shower. Ben then got into his new clothes that Jarred had gotten for him from their hotel room. After that, the staff gave him a mini figure of a boy dunking his head into a barrel full of nasty liquid which they gave it to him as a gift from the Fear Factor Live. Since it was about noon, the boys went to their parents at the coffee shop, and went to a restaurant in the park to have lunch before exploring more of the park that afternoon.

End of Chapter 26 of 40

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