#25 - Ketchup Malfunctioned

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It was another beautiful in the USA. After Ben had left his cousin's home that morning, there was still a place waiting for him. Later that day, they drove a few hours west to a tomato farm, and a home made ketchup factory owned by a friend of Ben's father. Since they arrived there by noon, they were greeted with various tomato dishes to enjoy. After the lunch, the tour of the farm and factory began.

The tomato farm was massive, stretching over 5 acres. The tomato grown there were organic, and barely consisted of contaminants. Before, they were just selling tomatoes, but soon discovered products like tomato puree and ketchup can be sold in a very good price. Therefore, they splitted a fragment of their produce to specifically dedicate to making other stuff. After touring the farm itself, it was time to tour the factory.

The factory wasn't very huge. It was in a shed with some small machineries and barrels. There was a machine that individually picked up a tomato, and crushing them using mechanical arms which really got Ben interested in it.

Ben walked very near by the machine, and leaned forward to look at the contraption. Unknowing of how it worked, a mechanical arm grabbed grabbed Ben's shirt, and took it off him. When he saw that, he quickly reached his arm out to grab it, but unluckily, it was flung to the side. While he was focused on getting the shirt back, another arm grabbed his shorts' waistband, and lifted it along with Ben's entire bottom half up. Since Ben was leaning forward with nothing to help balance him, he was tipped forward into the mixing bowl even more. Meanwhile, the mechanical arm was grabbing his shorts which slipped off his legs and feet, and sent him tumbling down head first into the bowl of crushed tomatoes while only in his white boxers. This happened so quickly that no one could have enough time to save him. Eventually, Ben got up from the mixing bowl with his body soaked with tomato juice, and covered in bits of tomatoes. Everyone was staring at him, and made him very nervous as he might be the one responsible for ruining a batch of tomatoes. Luckily the owner said it was a faulty batch, and he was just crushing it to put in on a composition pile. Ben then said "It tasted a little too bitter for tomatoes.", followed with an awkward laugh. Ben then got out of the bowl with his body soaked in tomato juice, a pair of underwear that had a slight red tint, and hair filled with bits of tomatoes.

Ben was then led to a tap near the shed where he was hosed off. Everything came off his body very quickly, and he was soon dried off with a towel. Since it was his clumsiness that got him into this mess, it was his responsibility to wear the same pair of wet boxers until he got home. Fortunately, the tour ended shortly after, and got home about 20 minutes later. Lesson learned: Do not mess with robots.

End of Chapter 25 of 40

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