It Longs to Kill You

Start from the beginning

"Link! Don't listen to him!" Jim shouted, knowing what Dark Link was doing. He was proving to be a master of manipulation. Able to get inside one's head before they could even defend it.

"What? No witty remark? Nothing to say for yourself?" The darkness mocked the light, and it finally sent to hero over the edge.

Link swung the Gilded Sword, and it met the Giant's Knife with a blinding flash of sparks. He swiped the blade again and again, each time getting parried by the bigger sword.

As the boys fought, Koume and Kotake decided to show off some of their new puppets to the other heroes.

"We hope you liked our Moblin!" Koume started, waving her wand around.

"What did you do to it?!" Romani shouted back, still worried for that poor creature.

"Gave it some enhancements. A slice of life that we are accustomed to. It really... opened its eyes!" Kotake said, joining her sister in waving her wand. Together, the witches cast a spell that brought forth more corrupted monsters there were hiding deep in the ravine.

A squad of Moblins, six Lizalfos, and even a dozen Tektites now emblazoned with a thick armor served as their minions. All were covered by the encroaching darkness, their eyes that terrible, glistening yellow. The red beads fashioned to their necks shined like a twinkling star, marking that they no longer held any free will.

It now occurred to the warriors that they may be outmatched. With Link already occupied, and the overwhelming amount of muscle the witches had, things started to look bleak. However, it was Link the Goron who looked the most confident of all. He inhaled deeply and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Sworn Brothers!" The Goron hollered.

Just a moment later, the sound of racing footsteps made themselves apparent behind the witches, and a swarm of Goron's emerged from the tunnel. They held their fists at the ready, no longer afraid of the old hags.

Romani and Jim grew great smiles, and their confidence was restored. Without any words needing to be shared, the Goron's and the Terminian's charged at their enemies.


The Gilded Sword met the Giant's Knife again brutally. Each clash was hell on the ears, making an awful scraping sound akin to nails on a chalkboard. Neither swordsman cared. Link held the most bloodlust in his eyes, while Makade had a cavalierly sense of ease in his.

Moving his arms, Link blocked another hit with the Mirror Shield and used his sword to swing against the other side of the Giant's Knife. With it ensnared between the shield and sword, Dark Link was almost defenseless to stop his other half from abruptly headbutting him, making him stagger.

Everything Link wanted to do to his enemy played out in his head. He aimed to slash his leg and keep him from walking, pin him to the ground via his boot, use any means necessary to remove the Giant's Knife from his grasp, and then finally strike him down. It played out perfectly in his mind, but when he acted, it all fell apart.

Dark Link knew where Link was going for next, for all emotional attacks are easier to anticipate. He used his own Hylian Shield to block the attempt on his leg, then thrashed forward and tackled his variant, bringing them both to the ground, now with the shadow on top.

Link felt rushing wind and then his cheek became sore. Dark Link raised his fist again and brought it down on Link's face, continuously bashing it. Having enough already, the hero in green thrusted his legs back and they forced the shadow off. Scrambling to get their respective swords, they were right back to where they started, blades scraping against blades. Endless frustration welled up in both their minds and they hoped that the other would let their guard down, for even just a moment.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger (MM/OoT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now