Teru dodges the bullets as he grabs Nora by her throat.

Sebastin appears behind Teru, swinging his shadow sword towards Teru.

Teru quickly throws Nora onto Sebastin and blasts them both.

Jace charges up as he throws a punch toward Teru.

Teru grabs and throws Jace to a nearby asteroid.

Kareem charges up, forming a giant body of electricity surrounding him.

Kareem swings his right arm downwards as the giant body swings his right arm downwards towards Teru.

Teru grabs the giant arm and punches it, sending Kareem flying through 2 asteroids.

Lil Bran creates an electric circle surrounding Teru.

Teru smiles as the electric circle traps him in an electric ball.

Lil Bran charges up a blast as a Teru shoots a beam of darkness through the  electric blasting Lil Bran, creating an explosion.

Teru laughs as Mave grabs him by his throat, dragging him facedown again the asteroid.

Mave tosses Teru in the air as she pulls out a sword.

Teru swings his sword towards Mave as she blocks it, creating shockwaves.

Teru: You don't go down as easy as your comrades.

Mave: One day, they'll be better than me.  Until that day comes. WE'LL KEEP WATCHING EACH OTHERS BACK!!!!

Teru looks towards his arms to white magic chains attached to his arm: The hell.

Fate: Light rebuke: Holy chains.

Teru eyes widen as he feels his energy behind drain.

Mave slashes Teru, knocking him towards the end of the asteroid.

Mave turns to see the group behind her.

Antonio: He really thought we would go out like that.

Jago: Now I wanna burn him out of existence even more.

Nora: Don't tapped into that flame emperor mode. It could take us out, too.

Teru: You guys are really wasting my time. I'LL JUST KILL YOU ALL HERE AND NOW!!!!!.

Teru charges up as he swings his sword, sending a darkness beam towards them.

As the beam reaches the group, a crystal barrier blocks the beam.

Teru looks in shock, witnessing his attack being blocked.

The group looks behind them to see Khan, Askari, and the Fatal Fury.

Lucy: Hope we didn't take long.

Hunter: Now that we all together, let's finish him off.

Kuhbarro walks towards Antonio: I see you gotten stronger since Zamusu.

Antonio: So have you, kuhbarro.

Khan: Mave, I have a plan on how to defeat him.

Mave: We'll let's hear it.

Khan leans towards Mave, whispering in her ear.

Mave nodded: Understand.

Charlie: We already discussed it with Khan.

Magma: We and your Revelationals comrades will make an opening.

The Revelationals goes into their fighting stances.

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