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Tay: Askari, huh. How did you get here.

Kareem: We found her falling out of the world orbit.

Antonio: Look towards the door to see Kareem and Lil Bran.

Lil Bran: If we hadn't gotten to her in time, who knows what world she would fall into.

Antonio: Nice to see you both again.

Lil Bran: Likewise.

Tay: Well, let's head out. I'm sure the others are waiting.

( Outside the training room)

Nora runs over towards Antonio: Nice job in there. Couldn't tell what was going on in there due to Tay time manipulation abilities, but you held your own against him.

Antonio: You knew about his ability already?

Nora: Just recently, actually, the other saints filled us in on their abilities.

Brandon: Now, back to the important matters. While we find this power source that Teru is looking for. I want you guys to try to find the rest of the Fatal Fury and free them from Teru control.

Mave: Yes, Sir, we'll have the ship ready to launch in thirty minutes.

Brandon: Alright, Kareem and Lil Bran, you two will tag along with them. And since you both found Askari take her as well.

Lil Bran: Yes, Sir.

Askari says excitedly: YESS MORE ADVENTURES!!!.

Mave: Alright, let's go, people.

(On the ship)

Askari: Ooh, nice ships, guys.

Nora: Thanks.

Kareem: Our ship may be bigger, but this ship here is a work of art.

Mave: Nora starts the engine.

Nora: Do we set a course?

Mave: We'll take a ride around this side of the cosmo and try to find the rest of the Fatal Fury crew.

Hunter: Let's hope they are not too far already.

Nora starts the ship as they leave the council circle.

Brandon and Tay watch as the Revelationals ship blasts into the cosmo.

Brandon: While I sent Lil Bran and Kareem with them. I feel that they need more help.

Tay: No doubt they can handle it.

Jinn: Agreed.

Brandon: The Revelationals are one of the best.

Tay: Yea, their help have been greatly helpful and appreciated

(The Revelationals ship)

Antonio: Say Askari.

Askari: Yea

Antonio: My brothers said they found you falling out of the world orbit. What were you doing before that.

Askari: I was exploring the cosmo with a friend. Then, a shockwave happened, launching me away from him. Before I knew it, I was falling through space, and your brothers found me.

Antonio: And this friend of yours. Won't he be worried about you.

Askari: Nope, this type of stuff happens often when we're together. I'll see him again soon.

Askari thinks to herself: I know he is busy with his job

(Somewhere in deep space in the infinite void, Teru is sure he found Lord Ren sitting on top of a giant dragon the size of a moon)

Lord Ren meditates as the dragon plays a dark but calm tone on a giant piano with telekinesis.

As Teru approaches him, he sees hundreds of lost souls withering around him. And he can hear them cry and scream.

Teru thinks to himself: This aura, I feel must be it. THE POWER SOURCE I BEEN SEARCHING FOR.

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