Karina let out an exasperated sigh, knowing that she was right. They needed to wait it out, recuperate and wait for the hitman's most vulnerable moment to strike.




Over the course of a couple of weeks, Ryujin was able to recover most of her strength with the aid of her friends. She stayed in Yeji's guest bedroom to get her well-deserved rest by reading books and watching TV shows as the photographer completed her assignments and homework. The atmosphere between the two was friendly to say the least, Yeji would always prepare meals as Ryujin helped clean the apartment. Some nights, they'd relish in the comfort of the sofa, watching movies into the late hours of the night.

However, there was still a separation- a fractured wall that neither had the courage to break. Ryujin's guilt continued to consume her whenever the other was near. Her vulnerability was evident when Yeji would check her wounds, ensuring that it was not infected and was healing properly.

Yeji on the other hand, continued to feel pain as a result of Ryujin's actions. Some nights were restless, the idea of having her father's killer on the other side of her apartment left her in conflict, torn between pity and hatred for the hitman. Yes, Ryujin killed the only person that she had left. Hatred and detestation were granted, but the fact that Ryujin was genuinely apologetic and was oblivious to the fact that her victim was her father, she was empathetic.

She couldn't possibly fathom the immense culpability that Ryujin was facing, especially with the fact that she was sociopathic. Yeji knew that what the hitman was experiencing was all too foreign to her, terrifying even.

Maybe she was too forgiving. Or maybe she wanted to fill the Ryujin-sized hole in her heart that had been aching her since she left.

When Ryujin arrived back at her apartment, she took a step into her room. Her desk and shelves were covered in dust, reminding her of the time she resided in her old apartment the night of the confrontation. She dropped her bag beside the door and slowly lay on her bed.

She rested her forearm on her eyes but quickly retracted her arm back due to the slight stinging on her face. The healing process was slower than usual, which surprised her. Chaeryeong deemed it due to the malnutrition due to when she was isolated and it would take time for her to regain her health.

A sudden crash of glass breaking reverberated from the kitchen, Ryujin quickly swung her legs off the bed and sped out of her room. There, she saw Yuna kneeling on the floor, collecting the shards of glass with her hands. The older Shin took two pairs of slippers from her room and wore them before walking into the kitchen.

"Clumsy." The hitman mumbled as she passed the second pair of slippers to the younger.

Yuna looked up at her sister and hesitantly accepted the slippers and wore them. Ryujin recognised the nervousness from her, so she took a step back and began collecting the pieces.

A moment of silence passed between the sisters, neither of them had any idea how to address the issue that had been lingering in their minds. Ryujin would take small glances at her sister, noticing the dark circles beneath her eyes, assuming that Yuna hadn't been sleeping properly for a while.

"How's the cut?"

Ryujin's sight immediately darted over to her, watching Yuna concentrating on cleaning.

"It's okay."

"With your lifetime of experience, I expected you to not get hurt." Yuna joked dryly as she poured some of the glass into the trash bag.

"I guess clumsiness runs in the family."

The sisters chuckled quietly amongst themselves as they finished cleaning the shards. Once they finished cleaning, they both leaned on the cabinets beside each other.

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