chapter fifty six

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~deigo sinclair~

Dropping maddy back off at her house this morning was probably the worst thing that could have happened to me, after the things we got up to on her birthday it made me not want to let her go, i wanted to keep her in my arms for forever.

but i couldn't becuase damon had called an emergency meeting at his house and i wanted to talk to the boys about something aswell and for some god knows reason i had a feeling we have to talk about the same thing but from a different perspective.

now that me and maddy are in a good place its killing me knowing that fucker is still walking around free and unharmed after everything hes done to maddy and everything he did to her sister. i want to hurt him, i want to hurt him so bad that he or his bitch of a girlfriend wont even think about looking at maddy again.

and knowing i worked for the man kills me inside to, my mind has been playing that night with jay on a loop, about how fragile he looked and how he was also so defensive about everything how you can tell just by looking at the boy that his father is a piece of shit.

pulling up to damons house i grab my keys before getting out and locking my car before walking up the steps and opening the door, damon or kane never locked the door at night or just in general plus their dead beat of a father didn't see the importance in it either, whereas when i leave i make sure my mother locks the door and dead bolts it if i know im not coming come that night.

''hello'' i call into the house before i hear the faint sound of tv playing from the living room, peaking in i see Mr. Cent sat in his chair passed out with a beer in his hands, a sigh leaves my mouth at the current state hes in. he wasn't always like this but he switched to the bottle when his wife left, turning away i bolt up the stairs before walking into damons room to see the two boys in there.

damon is sat up against his headboard while kane sits on his desk chair both of their gazes shooting to me as soon as i walked in, ''you needed to talk?'' i question before walking over and sitting on one of damons bean bags he has by his book shelf. ''i saw rio today as i was walking out of the county dash bar, he told me to pass a message onto maddy and one to all of us'' damon tells me making my ears prick at the sound of his statement.

''what did he say?'' i lean back into the bean back my glare focused on damon but not aimed at him, im just pissed off that rio thinks he has a right to talk about my maddy.... my girl or to my friends, ''he told me to tell maddy that he will be seeing her soon, and he will hurt her'' my blood boils from damons words making the plan to hurt this prick all that more satisfying.

''and then he told me to warn you to including myself that if we try and fuck with him or his business he will kill us and then our families'' i let out a frustrated groan before running my hands through my hair, ''but that's not gonna stop us right. i mean after all the shit he did he needs to have some sort of punishment becuase this fucked up justice system is doing fuck all'' i tell them feeling my anger rising in my body, i fucking hate people who think they are better then someone else, it dosent matter if your rich or poor if you think that then in my eyes your automatically a scumbag.

''no, its not going to stop us i want to set this man straight as much as the next one, but it just means now we have to do it strategically.'' kane explains clicking the end of his pen up and down a couple times clearly agitated, ''we have to be smart about how we do it, even though the cops have our names basically imprinted into their systems, so one alert and our asses get sent straight to the den'' damon asks banging his phone against his hands slightly.

''that party is going on, up on the hill soon and i have no doubt rio will be there since we have stopped running his errands hes gotta collect the money and deal all by himself.'' kane tells us before i nod my head, yeah that could work its up on the hill its secluded and considering the crowd rio and i keep around his no one will be alerting the police about a fight at a party.

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