CHAPTER 6: THE REVIVED: SKELETAL JOKES, Tomoyo and the phantom of music.

Start from the beginning

Mihara: *Grabs Yamazaki by the neck* Ugh, don't believe a word this idiot is saying. He's obviously making all this up. *Looks at Yamazaki* And you, you should honestly know better, especially since Sakura has a huge fear of ghosts and phantoms!

Yamazaki and Mihara continued to talk to each other as Sakura slumped down onto her table, still trying her best to not think about the Paranormal.

Tomoyo: You know, this whole Phantom situation might get out of hand soon. I'm worried about what will happen once local authorities get word of this.

Keros: *Coming out of the bag* I agree.

Sakura:Keros?? When did you-

Keros: I snuck in here after my game was interrupted by some news people talking about the Phantom. Sakura, we have to investigate the docks tonight.

Sakura: E-eh?!? N-no way!! *Looks to see the class staring at her before blushing* S-sorry. . *Sits back down.*

Keros: Like I said. I have a gut feeling that this thing is a Wild Card, Phantom or not.

Sakura: B-but. . *Drops her head in defeat* But the phantoms. . .

Tomoyo: *Smiles* It'll be alright, Sakura. I'm sure this Phantom will be easier to catch. Also, I really wish to hear his song.

Sakura: T-the cursed song?!?

Tomoyo: Yes! I've heard that the one singing the song has a very beautiful voice. I don't believe the rumours of the song being cursed, though.

Seeing the majority of her team being against her, Sakura sighed as she dropped her head in defeat.

Timeskip, docks area:

Currently, Sakura was being recorded by her friend, Tomoyo, who had just finished setting up her camera.

Sakura was dressed in an outfit, reminiscent of a music conductor. A black coat, with a black skirt and leggings. She wore Mary Jane's as her hair was braided into a little tail. Keros wore a red bow tie.

Sakura: Uh. . Tomoyo? What's with the musical theme??

Tomoyo: Well, since we are going to be dealing with a musical Phantom, I thought we might as well dress for the part.

Suddenly, the area around them started to feel a little cold as blue mist started seeping into the docks.

That was when they heard a crashing sound just next to them. Turning, they saw Syaoran and Mei Ling flying out of one of the nearby buildings and landing next to them.

Sakura: Syaoran?! Mei Ling?!?

Syaoran: Sakura, stay back-

He didn't have time to finish as a being covered in mist suddenly emerged and attempted to slice the boy with it's sword, Syaoran barely able to deflect the thing back.

Both Syaoran and Mei Ling went back into the fight but were severely outclassed by the being.

Sakura jumped into the fray, summoning the Watery Card.

All the while, Tomoyo and Keros watched, hidden in the shadows.

Tomoyo looked around to see how she might help. That was when she remembered the reports, all of the news she's read. She needed to learn the song.

Back with the fight, Sakura summoned her own sword as she and Syaoran fought side by side while Mei Ling occasionally jumped in with a few punches.

The being in the mist dodged most of their attacks.

That was when the mist around the figure turned green. While the figure took a sword stance, a massive green misty head appeared behind them, cackling.

The figure suddenly rushed forward and past the 3 kids, stopping just a few feet before them. The kids, although shocked at his speed, became even more shocked when they heard the being speak for the first time.

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