Chapter Two

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"What do you mean Hayley's missing?" Clara questions as she follows after Elijah and Jackson as they look for Nik.

"We couldn't find her, dead or alive. So we need to talk with my brother." Elijah replies, clearly on edge as they make their way to where the hybrid was stood on his balcony, with a glass of bourbon.

"I thought I smelled swamp." Nik comments before turning to face Jackson as he enters the room first followed by Elijah and Clara.

"What'd you do with Hayley?" Jackson questions the original angrily.

"Tell me waht you know." Elijah demands.

"What? You think he's involved?" Clara questions the two, confused on what was going on as she was only told so much.

"Has Jackson misplaced his bride? Come to think about it, I did read that global warming has distrupted migration patterns. Try Georgia." Nik response, unphased by the mens glares.

"I just left the bodies of people I care about to rot in the woods because you left them defenseless against poachers!" Jackson tells the hybrid angrily, "Sent by Kingmaker Land Development. That ring a bell?" At the name, Nik's smirk slowly begins to fall, "Yeah, the CEO is Lucien Castle. Elijah, tells me you two go way back."

"So, I will ask you again, what do you know?" Elijah questions his brother.

"Please tell me you're not involved..." Clara says looking at Nik, feeling conflict between wanting to trust him and wanting to feel betrayed by him; unsure of who to believe.

"As it happens, I just came back from a romp with out good friend Lucien. You can find him in the penthouse of the gaudy new construction on Canal. And while you two are catching up, be sure to ask him about the prophetic vision he showed me of our family's spectacular downfall. You could use a good laugh." Nik says, looking at Elijah.

Clara furrows her eyebrows, "Vision? What vision?" she questions, concern that it had something to do with what she saw.

"Nothing I'm concerned over love." Nik brushes it off.

Elijah sighs annoyed, "You two stay here. Niklaus and I will deal with this." he says heading towards the door.

"Actually, as long as Hayley's prowling about ontwo legs legs and unaccounted for, I think that Clara and I will be staying with our daughter." Nik tells his brother, before walking towards Jackson, "And, should I discover that this is yet another cock-eyed scheme for Halye and you to abscond with her and Clara, the palty remains of your beloved wolf pack will be sniffing at your entrails come morning." he threatens.

Clara was quick to come between them, and place her hand on Nik's chest to have him back away, which he does, still glaring at the wolf, before giving him a mocking smile.  Nik grabs Clara's ahnd and turns to walk back to the balcony with her in tow when Elijah speeds infront of them. "This doesn't frighten you, brother. But, one day, your daughter will know exactly the kind of man that her father is. If anything should happen to Hayley, you mark my words- no one will have to take Hope from you. She will, without question, leave you of her own accord." Elijah pauses to look at the girl, "With or without Clara by her side."

His words strike a cord within both of them as he and Jackson walk out. Clara tightens her grip on Nik's hand in fear, she didn't want Hope to leave or be taken from her again.

Nik squeezes her hand back in comfort, knowing that she was affected and not wanting them to be sperated from their daughter, not again. Worry and anger flows through him at his brothers word. He's needs a plan.


"How do you make the guilt go away? Or even the fear?" Clara questions Nik as she paces in front of him.

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