Chapter Sixteen (Missing)

Start from the beginning

Theo wasn't much further ahead of me, walking along with Rowan, Sienna, and Aliyah, the four of them also seemingly not bothered by the strenuous hike, their voices echoing down the trail to me as they chatted. With each step, Sienna walked more diagonally, until she brushed into Theo's side, their hands grazing each other.

Theo immediately jerked away, the force of his motion causing him to lose his balance, pitching toward the side of the trail. With incredible reaction time, Rowan had moved to grab Theo as he began to fall, catching him by the hand, and pulling hard to right him before I could even take an extra step toward them after gasping.

Sienna's hand shot to her mouth, her brown eyes widening. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you."

Theo recovered, putting more space between Sienna and himself, offering her a polite smile. "It's okay."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he assured her, in a kind voice laced with professionalism, one that I'd never heard him use before.

It distracted me so much that I tripped on a root and ate shit.

And there was no Rowan to catch me.

Rocks dug into my palms as I grit my teeth in pain, pushing myself to my hands and knees. I couldn't even be mad about it. I'd let my eyes leave the ground, and nature was an unforgiving force sometimes.

"You okay?"

I didn't have time to respond before someone was lifting me from the ground. Like, arms around my waist, lifting my entire body weight to set me on my feet properly. I gasped loudly as I was manhandled, drawing attention from the group in front of me. Once set down, I spun around to find Levi grinning at me.


I gaped at him. "How...did you pick me up like that?" Maybe I should have been annoyed that he touched me like that, but I was more impressed than anything. He'd lifted me so easily, like I weighed a feather when in reality, I weighed more than average for someone my height.

He flexed his arm. "I work out sometimes."

I squinted at his arm.

"What— hey! Now that's offensive!" he cried, struggling to shove the sleeve of his t-shirt further up so he could flex his muscles at me again. They were there, and well-defined, but his arm was still slender.

I couldn't hold back a small laugh. "I'm just kidding. You must be strong."

"Should I do it again?"

I considered it. "If you can carry me up the mountain."

"Who are you, Madame Zeroni?"

I blinked in surprise as I understood that reference. In fact, my Levi and I referenced it quite a bit. "You know that movie?"

Levi smirked, and with as much ease as he'd picked me up off from the ground before, I was slung over his shoulder. "If only, if only, the woodpecker sighs," he quoted, making a show of walking up the next few steps on the trail.

My entire body must have turned red as I laid over his shoulder, his arms wrapped around my upper thighs, keeping me steady. Fortunately, I'd been the tail end of the crew on the trail, so no one was behind us, keeping my anxiety to a minimum. "Put me down!" I demanded, gripping the back of his shirt for support.

"The bark of the tree was as soft as the skies," he continued, speaking louder.

Oh, God. He was going to get Rowan and Theo's attention. "Levi!"

"While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely, crying to the moon..." he trailed off, coming to a dead stop.

"If only, if only!" I finished for him impatiently. "Now put me down!"

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