Chapter Twelve

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"Right now?" I repeated, whipping my head up at Theo, who simply shut the door in my face. I waited until he got into the back before twisting in my seat to face him, clutching the headrest. "I'm not prepared."

"Aren't you?" he responded, putting on his seat belt. "You have your disguise on."

"No, I mean, what do I even say to them?"

Rowan turned the car on, pulling out onto the street. "Maybe 'hello, nice to meet you'?"

I threw a sarcastic look her way. "I know that much."

Her lip twitched. "Just checking."

"Just act like yourself," Theo said, looking too calm for my liking. "My parents are easy to get along with. We're meeting them at a café near the venue so it'll be low pressure."

"What about our back story?" I asked. "How should we say we met? How long have we known each other? Is it our first date? Don't we need to cover these things?"

Theo furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you overthinking this? We don't need to create a story. You're my date. We can just be honest."

Be honest. I hadn't even considered it. It wasn't something I was good at, nor was it my first instinct. "Is that okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I...just hope your parents find me acceptable," I said, lowering my gaze, suddenly apprehensive.

"I know they will," he replied without even a second of hesitance.

I looked back up at him, meeting his unwavering gaze. He appeared relaxed and unconcerned. How could he say that so confidently? He barely knew me. Were his parents really that chill? I couldn't imagine my mom meeting Theo and not drilling him with a thousand questions. I let the topic drop, though, not wanting to sound too self-conscious.

Instead, I sat ramrod straight in my seat, internally panicking. No matter how much I told myself it would be fine, or how many times Theo said it, my anxiety simply would not listen. As we approached Hollywood Boulevard though, my anxiety only increased—from both Rowan's now janky driving, and knowing I was only moments away from having to execute our plan.

I reminded myself I was in disguise—I could do this. I didn't need to be nervous. Yet, my stomach rolled as shop after shop swept by outside the window. Rowan pulled into the parking garage and shut off the car, tossing a pair of sunglasses back to Theo. I numbly got out, hearing my heart pounding in my ears, feeling like I wasn't really seeing what was in front of me.

"If you're worried about Theo being recognized, I'm sure all the attention is on the venue. The preshow has already started," Rowan told me, frowning. "I doubt anyone would bother us here."

"It's not really that..."

"Listen, if Theo's parents like me, they're going to like you. Like Theo said earlier, just be yourself. You don't need to fake anything."

Theo joined us, sunglasses covering his eyes. "Let's go."

I trudged behind Theo and Rowan as we made our way out of the parking garage, but some of my nerves had dissipated, taking over by marvel at Rowan giving me a pep talk. Albeit short, I felt like that was a rare occurrence. Maybe the reason I felt so nervous about this was because I didn't ever get to be myself. I always lied, I always hid.

Earlier, I'd felt better being in disguise so I could be who I really was for once. That was who I'd show to Theo's parents.

We made it to the café without incident and settled into a private corner, Rowan going to the counter to order us some drinks. Theo took off his sunglasses, and I immediately could tell from his expression that he was concerned about something, worry lines etched into his forehead. "What's wrong?" I asked.

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