Dancing: Met x Hanten

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CW: Dubious consent

"So right after a quick word from our sponsors, I leave you with Ne-no-Kuni's newest hot single! This has been DJ Met, signing out 'til morning!" She exclaimed ecstatically. She clicked the button on her mic, shutting it down effectively, before throwing her hands into the air for a large stretch. She rolled her big office chair backwards, a large grin plastered to her face as her seat swiveled to face away from her desk. The big windows separating her studio to the rest of the building the big center piece of the wall in front of her. The viewing from her chair was plain as ever except for the one who peered back at her. 

The big red eyes of the demon she often followed around stared in annoyance. Met's smile continued to beam as she stood out of her chair and waltzed to the door to the side of the big windows. The brass door handle was cold to the touch as she grasped it, pulling it open wide. Her head poked out comedically from the doorframe, craning it to the side. 

"You look stupid," she said starkly. 

Met let out a quick chuckle before straightening herself. "I don't mind looking stupid if you find it entertaining, big sis."

Hanten walked closer, her hands in her pockets. Her tail twitched in annoyance as she approached. Met flashed another goofy smile, twirling the tips of her maroon hair. With a quick movement and an outstretched hand, Hanten flicked Met's forehead. The impact only stung lightly, but that didn't stop the DJ from dramatically spinning and crying out in pain. 

"A fatal wound! You've killed! Me!" she exclaimed, slumping against the door frame. 

"If you keep this up, I will give you a fatal wound," the demon growled. 

Met frowned, and peeked a glance at the demon before her. "C'mooon," she whined, "loosen up a little." The soft noises of the last ad read echoed around the small room behind Met. "What's got you so grumpy anyways?"

"I'm not grumpy," Hanten responded, evidently her tone was in fact, the grumpiest. 

Met continued to lean against the door frame as the song she'd set to play first on the night time shuffle began, the chords much louder than the sponsorships prior. She nodded her head a bit to the beat as she continued to look curiously at Hanten's disposition. Another grand idea flashed through her mind, and she straightened herself before gently moving to the rhythm of the song. 

Hanten watched her, raising an eyebrow and cocking her head to the side, clearly unenthused. "What are you doing now?" she asked. 

Met smiled again, her feet carrying her small movements. "Dancing," she responded matter-of-factly. She reached out, her palm facing upwards. A gesture one only used to invite others onward. 

"Oh no, absolutely not," Hanten responded. 

Met shook her hand expectantly. "Dance with me! We can be chaotic here," she offered again.

 Reluctantly and rolling her eyes one final time, Hanten took the ghost's hand in hers. Met pulled her back into the room, letting her feet lead them into a small clearing in her studio. Hanten followed her lead, getting the hang of the rhythm drumming out from the speakers. 

"This isn't fun," the demon told her. 

"Give it more of a chance then that," met instructed giddily. "Take the lead." Her feet slowed, an expectant look focusing on the normally laid-back girl in front of her. Hanten looked startled for a moment but quickly took the lead, moving her feet and carrying them across the small space. She put a hand on Met's waist, tightening her grip before guiding them out of the only clear space and into the small area between her studio table and a big shelf with lots of fragile decorations.

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