Chapter Seventeen

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*Time Skip - A Few Months*

For Halloween, Eleanor had been given a free pass to take her son trick-or-treating. The boy was dressed as Harry Potter, since Eleanor believed it was the most adorable costume she could find. She had even gotten herself a robe, wand, and other accessories. Hers were Slytherin though, since she knew she definitely wasn't a Gryffindor.

She didn't expect to see Peter show up an hour before she was going to go out with James. Peter was in a Hufflepuff robe, and Eleanor thought he looked adorable. It was like a set of Hogwarts students, a perfect little family, and Eleanor loved it.

Peter had even picked up a plastic cauldron bucket for James to collect his candy. The boy was just old enough to eat certain candies, but he couldn't quite eat them all yet. He was still a bit too young for a good selection of candies.

Happy had agreed to driving them around from place to place for trick-or-treating, since Eleanor didn't have her driver's license. She didn't figure she needed it, since she was confided into the compound. Why would she need to drive when she couldn't leave? It really made no sense to her, so she didn't bother getting a driver's license.

"Do you want me to carry him or the bucket?" Peter asked, as they stepped out of the car.

"We can take turns carrying him," Eleanor replied,"He gets heavy after a while." She added, kissing her son's cheek.

She carried James around the first destination, but by the second one, it was Peter's turn. With Peter's enhanced strength, he really didn't get tired of carrying the little boy. To him, the little boy barely weighed much at all.

While she and Peter walked around with James, they recieved many comments and looks from different people. The comments, well, they were mostly good. A lot of people were telling them how cute the costumes were, and how perfect they fit the theme they had been going for. Some weren't so nice.

Some people thought that they were too young to be parents. They thought that they were reckless and horny teenagers. It was horrible some of the things they said, but the couple ignored them. As long as James was happy and taken care of, that's all that mattered to them.

When it came to looks they received from people, they differed from time to time. Most people simply smiled at them, and most of the smiles were genuine. Some smiles were sarcastic and rude, but those smiles were ignored. The nasty, hateful looks they recieved were the ones that were sometimes hard to ignore. Eleanor simply had to learn to turn the other cheek, as did Peter.

Peter hated hearing such horrible things being said about Eleanor and James. They were his family, or well, in his mind they were. James may not have been his son by blood, but he truly cared for him as if he was. When someone said something that really upset him, he would give them his most angry and nasty glare that he could muster.

After a couple hours of trick-or-treating, as well as stopping to get food at the churches that were serving food and giving out candy, the group of three went home. Eleanor had been a bit exhausted from all the walking, but she was glad that James had so much fun, especially with Peter. James really liked Peter, and it was obvious that Peter really liked James.

Peter and Eleanor went through the candy, checking to make sure none of the candy was opened and none of the packages were damaged in any way. If they were in any way messed up, the candy would be thrown away. It was something Peter had learned from a young age, and Eleanor knew because of her friends. Her birth parents never let her go trick-or-treating.

While they looked through the candy, James slept on Peter's lap, with his head laid on his chest. It was an adorable sight, so it really wasn't a surprise when Eleanor snapped a picture on her phone. She also sent the picture to Peter so he could keep it.

"You're such a good dad to him, Pete," Eleanor said,"and you don't even have to be." She added, and he smiled.

"I like being a dad, Ellie," He replied,"I know I'm young, but I like this feeling. I like feeling wanted by someone, and I like knowing that someone will always look up to me and need me."

"I don't know what I would do without you, Peter," She murmured,"I hope you'll be in our lives forever, even if it's only for James." She commented, and he gave her a gentle smile.

"I'll never leave you, Ellie," He said,"and if something ever changed between us, I'd make sure to always be here for James. He's my little man."

After Peter and Eleanor finished looking through all the candy, they put it back in James's bucket. Peter carried James up to Eleanor's room and helped her get him changed into his pajamas. Once he was changed, the boy was given a bottle, then he was laid in his crib and slowly he fell asleep.

"Do you want to spend the night?" Eleanor asked,"I know it's late, and I figure you probably don't want to bother your aunt." She commented, giving him a nervous smile.

"Yeah, I'll stay." He replied, giving her a smile as well.

Peter quickly went to the room where he kept spare clothes, and he changed into his pajamas. He then went back to Eleanor's room and laid down with her. The two snuggled in Eleanor's bed, and they felt safe and happy. They hoped moments like this would be more often. They couldn't help but hope that no more bad things came around to cause problems for them and everyone around them...

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