Chapter Seven

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*Outside of the hospital room before the baby was born*

"Mr. Rogers, only the girl's parents can sign her out of the hospital," The doctor stated,"She doesn't have a parent listed on here." He added, pointing to the paper.

"I'm her parent." Steve replied, causing the doctor to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I've never heard of Captain America having any children." The doctor commented, causing Steve to nod.

"I just adopted her the other day. If you don't believe me, I can get you the papers," Steve replied,"I haven't even informed her yet." He added, and the doctor nodded once.

"I will make sure to update her papers." The doctor said, before walking away.

*present time*

"James Steven Morgan." Eleanor said, with a smile on her face.

"You're not going to use your new last name?" Steve asked, raising his eyebrow with a sly smile.

"New last name...?" She trailed off, unsure of what he meant.

"I wanted to surprise you today during breakfast, but Vision seemed to surprise you instead," He began, chuckling lightly,"With the help of Director Fury, I have officially adopted you as my daughter. You are now Eleanor Rogers, if that's alright with you." He said, causing her to smile.

Eleanor's eyes glazed with tears, but she kept them from falling. Instead, she simply nodded to Steve, and he leaned forward and gave the girl a hug.

"James Steven Rogers; it has a nice ring to it." Sam commented, causing everyone to chuckle.

"Would you like to hold him?" Eleanor asked, looking up at Steve,"I mean, technically he's your grandson now." She murmured, and the blonde immediately nodded.

As carefully as he could, Steve took the small baby from Eleanor's arms and cradled him to his chest.

"So, who's the god parents?" Natasha asked, looking over at the new mother.

"Well, it's so hard to choose. I love you and Wanda. I love all of you, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings from not picking them." She replied, causing the girls to smile.

"Choose whoever you want, we all have a chance," Natasha commented,"I mean, you're still young. You have plenty of time to have more babies for us." She added, causing Steve to scoff.

"As if. I already have one grandchild, I don't want anymore for at least five years." He said, and everyone laughed.

"No, you might think that, but she'll find a boy soon enough and pop out a few more." Tony commented, causing Steve to punch the guy's arm.

"Before this turns into a baby brawl, let's just calm down a little bit." Rhodey said, as Eleanor nodded in agreement.

"I texted Clint about the baby," Natasha announced,"He said he'll be at the tower to meet him when you guys are able to leave." She informed, and Eleanor smiled.

Eleanor had met Clint two months ago when he came to visit Natasha. Natasha had him visit her so he could meet Eleanor. Clint and Eleanor became fast friends, which wasn't a shock to anyone. Eleanor was a nice girl and she was easy to get along with, even when she was moody and hormonal. Matter of fact, Clint had video called his family, just to introduce them to Eleanor. Laura promised to give Eleanor as many pointers and tips on parenting as she could, especially with a little boy. The woman also planned to send Eleanor quite a bit of baby things she had left over from Nathaniel. Nathaniel had just turned one, so the woman had quite a bit of baby things from when the boy was only a couple of months old.

"Did anyone bring my phone?" Eleanor asked, causing Tony to nod and pull it from his pocket.

He handed the phone over to the girl and she quickly pulled up Laura's contact. The girl sent a text to Laura, asking her to make some of her amazing cookies. Of course, Laura agreed almost as soon as the text went through, which made Eleanor smile.

"I think I've decided to make Sam and Wanda the god parents for James. If I ever have another kid though, Natasha and Clint will be the god parents. I will have to plan ahead for any more from there." Eleanor said, causing Tony to scoff.

"I wasn't even the second choice!" He complained, causing Sam to laugh.

"I was picked first." He retorted, as he teased Tony.

Steve had passed the baby around the room for everyone to hold. Tony was one of the funniest, since he held the baby as if it was a bomb that was going to go off if he even moved an inch. Wanda seemed to love the little boy, as she stared down at him adoringly. Truth be told, the little boy had this innocence to him that she hadn't seen in a very long time. Natasha loved the little boy as well, and she promised to be a baby sitter at any time Eleanor needed, even if she had to leave a mission for the little boy. Obviously Eleanor knew she couldn't do that, since Fury would have their heads, but it was a nice sentiment.

Anyhow, about an hour later, a nurse came in to check on James and Eleanor. Tony, Sam, Rhodey, Natasha, and Wanda had decided to head back to the tower to let Eleanor rest, but Steve stayed at the hospital. He laid on the terribly uncomfortable reclining chair that was next to Eleanor's bed; not wanting to leave the girl to feel alone after having her baby. She was officially his daughter, and he refused for her to feel alone when she wasn't alone. She'd never know that feeling again, not if he could help it.

"Vision wants to apologize for the events that happened today. He didn't mean for you to be frightened. He thought you were already in your room when he came into the kitchen." Steve commented, causing the girl to smile.

"It's fine. He meant well. Besides, if it wasn't for him, it might've been days before I was officially able to meet my son." She replied, and Steve smiled as well.

He hoped things were going to stay as calm as it had been for almost an entire year so far...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Two updates in a day! I'm rolling these chapters out faster than I thought I would be.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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