chapter 1 did you get here...?

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(hello ather here just letting you know that Iruma is 10 when tish is happening and it all started when he was 5... Kalego is 35....I know I'm messed up but I love angst)

Iruma's pov....
'...why am I running if I keep running father will punish me more then he already will....why can't I stop...?' I thought to myself still running completely naked because there was another client....but he payed extra so he could do anything but kill me.... He did so many things to many, my hart was pounding on my chest... not because I was running but because I was scared I was so scared my father was going to chacha me and give me one of the worries punishment's...

"You little shit get back here he payed good money!" I could hear my father yell at me and throw a rock at my back. I could feel it his my back but I didn't stop...I couldn't if I stoped I would be punished and that man would go back to doing what he was doing before, I couldn't let that happen. No I wouldn't let that happen!

I tripped over a log and fell into a frizzing river, but I didn't stop I immediately got up and continued running. After running for what felt like hours I stopped and looked around, nothing looked familiar.

But at least I couldn't hear my father yelling at me and the man calling me that I looked closer I could see that the tree's looked different that were, the leafs where red and the trunks a deep purple almost black.

But that didn't matter anymore I needed to find somewhere to hide if I didn't I don't know what my father would do if he found me...I didn't want to know.

I soon hurd people talking in the distends it sounded like that where talking about a concert having something to do with dem-dolls...?

Wast where dem-dolls... many it was a band of some kind..?

and it smelt like food...nice warm food, I could remember the last time I ate something warm I'll I've been eating- or what my father feed me if I absolutely needed it was bread.

Oh man what I would do for some food right now I was still freezing from falling into the river but I couldn't afford it maybe I'd get lucky and find something on the floor.

I started walking twords the voices making sure no one saw me, I didn't have clothes after all and I didn't want anyone to see a naked child, so I stuck to the darker area's

When I found what seemed to be an alley I followed it...the people here looked different that had pointy ears, some had horns or ears that seemed to belong to a cat or maybe a fox of some sort

But if I was being honest I didn't care right now I was way to tired and cold after what happened having that done to your body for hours on end hurt's...

And running immediately after doesn't feel any better, I sat down on the cold floor and leaned my head against the brick wall felling all the adrenaline that I just had leave my body...

I was to tired to do anything anymore...I just wanted to lay here and sleep every if it was my last time, I don't really care anymore...I'm to tired for this....

"...what the hell..." I could hear a tiered sounding male say, I slowly looked at him bringing my knee's closer to my chest trying to cover my private area

The man with the dark purple hair took off his jacket and wrap's it around me, it was warm and cozy I didn't ever want to leave...

"what the hell happened to you kid...?" I was to tired to respond, I leaned my head against his chest feeling his arms wrap around me and pick me up holding me close to his chest.

"Why where you out here naked..." The tiered man's voice became soft as he held onto me tighter, he opened what looked like Wing's and went up into the air.

I closed my eyes my head resting on his chest "...are you ever a demon...?"

Word count 773

Hello the creator here just letting you know that you are loved and cared about please always remember that there is help for you and people for you to talk can always talk to me if you need thank you again

...this is the happiest I've been in a while...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن