Chapter 7: Cookie

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Me and Kennedy walk into Ace's building.

People look at us before quickly looking away.

I frown and go to the elevator. Kennedy joins and i can feel the tension as we go up.

"Don't agree to anything stupid." She says.

I nod.

"Have you been sticking to the diet i gave you?"


"Try a bit harder."

My eyes sting and i nod trying to push away the tears.

The elevator beeps and the doors open. We walk in and see a tall blonde man at a desk with glasses.

I've met him before, he's Ace's manger Brady. He's sweet.

He looks at us with a warm smile before pressing a buzzer.

Ace's door opens and he comes out.

"Hi bubs." He smiles at me, "Kennedy." He lowers his voice giving her a nod.

We all enter a room next to Ace's which is a meeting room.

Brady chuckles looking between me and Ace, "Did you two colour coordinate today?"

I groan and Ace laughs. "That's what i said!" He exclaims.

Me and Kennedy sit on one side, Ace and Brady on the other.

Ace opens a packet of cookies and places them on the middle of the table.

"Help yourself."

All three of them take one.

Surely, if my manager has one i can too, right?

I take a deep breath and stick my hand out to grab one but Kennedy slaps my hand away.

My hand retreats back to my pen.

"You're on a diet, young lady." She mutters, loud enough for the others to hear.

Brady and Ace look between each other and i look down at my work.

"So what are you thinking for the clothes?" I question looking back as Ace is staring at me.

I kick his leg out the table and he glares at me.

Brady clears his throat and nudges Ace.

"Uh we were thinking doing a line mixed of business suits, dresses and then other stuff with like pyjamas, accessories and some casual clothes."

I nod, "Yeah, have a bit of variety."

Ace smiles so bright like a teacher just gave him an A+ and a chocolate for doing his work.

Kennedy shakes her head, "Mixing business and casual? That's weird."

"Both Ace's and Aurelia's line have a mix. It would make sense." Brady acknowledges.

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