Chapter 28: Arms Up

Start from the beginning

"So that's what this is?" He said bitterly. "You are still jealous of Amelia, despite me telling you numerous times we are only friends."

"Yes, yes, I've heard it before," she rolled her eyes. "You are my jealous wife and Amelia is my angelic new best friend who hangs onto every word I say, and I let her because I am an egomaniac. How did I do?"

"Say what you will about her and me, but at least we aren't helping each other take off our clothes," he spat back.

"Well, I know you are just dying for the chance; I thought I would give you permission," she said with a twisted smile. "Besides Victor has only helped me and I have yet to return the favour thanks to your rude arrival. Victor, arms up!"

He obliged and Fiore helped Victor take off his shirt, ignoring the fact that her husband was standing right there.

"Oh yes Victor, we will be the very best of friends," she murmured as she took in his bared chest.

Klaus was beyond livid as he turned his wife to face him, hands cupping her cheeks even with his sinister glare.

"That is enough Fiore," he told her. His lips dived into meet hers, but she turned at the last second, weaving her way out of his arms.

"It is not enough until your new friend is a thing of the past," she warned him. "So for as long as Amelia stays, so does Victor. And you and Amelia might not do anything but I promise Victor and I will."

Against his better instincts, Klaus was troubled. He had liked the relationship he had built with Amelia, even though he knew Fiore hated it. He had been honest, nothing had ever happened between the two of them, but he knew how close he was to the fine line.

But no one was worth Fiore. If she fell into the arms of another, he risked her never returning and that was not an option for him.

"Fine. She's gone."

"Good. I'll let Victor go and then—"

But Klaus had no interest in letting Victor go. The man had spoken nary a word but the way his eyes leered over his wife's body warranted punishment in and of itself. He leapt at his prey and bit at his neck, relishing in the screams that reverberated through the halls. He pulled away when he was still alive, on the brink of coherence.

"I'll let you leave today, Victor," Klaus told him. "Fiore is a beautiful woman, many are taken with her, I'll chalk it up to that. But if I ever see you with her again, you will like me even less than you do now."

Victor nodded feverishly before scrambling out of the compound, sue to take Klaus' threat very seriously. He turned to face Fiore who was shaking her head at him.

"What?" Said Klaus. "I didn't kill him."


He pulled his Blossom towards him and wrapped her in his care, "Are you really going to miss him?"

"That depends, are you really going to miss Amelia?"

He stilled for a second before burying his face in her neck, "I have you in my arms, Blossom. I don't want to talk about her. I just want you."

He leaned into kiss her and this time, she did not resist and let his lips meet hers. The kiss had him tumbling through the air and he was reminded why she was the love of his life#. No one else made him feel like she did. She brought him to life.

She pulled away and held a finger between their lips, "I mean it Nik. I want Amelia gone. Immediately."

He nodded hesitantly as the dreaded thought of having to send Amelia away struck his heart, "But that can wait for tomorrow. Right now, I think this is where I put my arms up."

Enigmatic Finales: A Klaus Mikaelson Story {8}Where stories live. Discover now