Vampire shōgun

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As the mid night hour approaches
The lone samurai
Comes in for the kill

Everyone gather round
Or off with you head
I say I am shōgun
In my own demented
As I see that lives are like
I do anything to get blood and power

The vampire shōgun
The samurai witch

Everyone gather round
Try not to get burned
Alive by the
Camp fire
For the ninja
Are blood thirsty
Mother fuckers

The vampire shōgun
The samurai witch

The vampire shōgun
The samurai witch

The vampire shōgun
The samurai witch

Watch out everyone the
The vampire shōgun
The samurai witch
Is coming to chop the locks
Of maidens
Out of jealousy

The vampire shōgun
The samurai witch

The vampire shōgun
The samurai witch

The vampire shōgun
The samurai witch

Watch out in the ooku
Your blood
Will be drained if you are beautiful
Of person.

Midnight : poems |startingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora