were out

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Coming out (pt 2)

Y/ns povs

Sadie guides me out of the trailer, we start to make our way back down to the main set 

 "Hey baby." I say looking down at my feet 

"mhm." she  mumbles, turning her head to face me 

"Do you think Millie... might have just mentioned what she saw to anyone." 

"No, you know Mills she wouldn't do that." I nod smiling at Sadie still unsure of what im walking into. 

We arrive to main set to see Millie sat next to Gaten, Finn, Noah and Caleb who are both here now. Millie see us, I watch her make eye contact with Sadie and break it instantly staring at the floor, biting her nails. 

"Just the people we were looking for." Caleb says 

"Yeah where were you guys, we sent Millie to check if you guys were at the trailer but she said she didn't see you." Finn says. My heart drops in relief. 

"Oh yeah sorry we were just walking around, didn't know you needed us." Sadie says 

"yeah well anyways, Matt gave us an extended break so we wanted to see if you guys wanted to grab lunch at the place down the street. We were just gonna walk there." Caleb says 

"yes! I'm starving." I mange to get out a wide smile spread across my face. I tuck my arms behind my back to hide my shaking hands. 


We've all made it to the cafe and our snipping on our coffees, besides Millie who has tea. But she's not drinking it, she shakes the cup studying the waves and the steam that beams off the liquid. she hasn't said a word this entire time, just smiles and small laughs at Noahs very terrible jokes. I reach my hand under the table clenching Sadies leg trying to keep my hand from shaking so she dosen't know how nervous I am, but also using this as a way to signal. we need to say something. half the world already knows so what do we have to lose. They'll find out  either way. And to be honest I've always wanted to see their reactions I just didn't realize how nerve raking it actually is. I interrupt Noah (probably for the best) not being able to sit another moment with this on my mind. the whole time i was just praying one of them didn't open their phone. 

"Hey guys, I kinda just want to tell you something real quick." god i didn't plan this what kind of leading sentence was that? They all turn they're heads to me and i feel the anxiety rising. i look at them all and now see Millies eyes are no longer fixated on her cup. I swallow squeezing Sadies leg tighter.

"Um." i say not being able to get my words out. i should've let Sadie do this she so good at these things, shes so good at everything. God how do i even say this. come on y/n they're just words, words, how come i can't find them. I've thought about this so many times. Thought. Now i know thinking and speaking are very different things. i watch Finn sip his drink slowly. i hear my breath. i feel my heart in my chest. i feel Sadie. Her hand. She holding my hand on top of her leg steading it from its rapied movements. 

"Me and Sadie are dating, we've been dating... for awhile." i blurt out my heart takes the place of my hand beating louder then ever before. i watch every ones expression change from flat to wide smiles. It's not silent for more then a second, although it felt that way. 

"OMG!! THATS AMAZING." Noah squeals echoing across the room. 

"HA CALEB YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS!!" shouts Gaten pointing across the table. i glare at him raising an eyebrow 

"i mean YAY!!" says Gaten we all laugh. the nerves leaving my systeme. only the best feeling, us all laughing brightly filling the table. 

"wait, wait, wait." Sadie says "you were betting on our relationship?" Sadie says still laughing pointing back and forth from me and her

"yeah whats with that and why wasn't i in on it?" Millie says 


Me and sadie are now in the car, we got off early because of her interview. she has about an hour to get ready, we have to drive to her moms house to pick up her dress. 

"How do you feel?" Sadie says turning the staticy radio down.  I exhale with a wide smile across my face that i can't seem to peel off. my words are threading up again as i can't find the right ones to describe how i feel. 

"baby, i don't think i've ever felt anything better. "

"Ouch!" she says jokingly. i roll my eyes 

"You're such a child." i say i laugh she laughs with me. 

she pulls up outside her parents house parking by the curb. she turns to look at me the light from the car flicks on shining in my eyes as she takes the keys out. she smile which re-places the smile on my face. 

"I love you." she says. she leans into me planting a kiss on my cheek

"my love." i whispers her face still near my check

"i love you so much more." i say watching her face turn a bright pink.

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