interviews (pt 2 )

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Y/ns pov

"Omg, hey guys so good to see you again!"  Jimmy says to the group as we all walk onto the main set

"how have you been?" He says reaching in for a hug from everyone

"Are we all ready to go on?" Jimmy says smiling

we all nodd happily following Jimmy to the stage I get to the curtain and here very one cheering as the cast makes there way onto the stage. Before I can get through the curtain sadie stops me, grabbing my shoulder i turn around to face her

"LOOK!" she says pulling back her hair back revealing a bright purple mark on her neck

"shit!" I say quietly looking closer

"Yeah shit." she says 

"Umm.. oops" I say smiling innocently


"Shh Jesus do you want someone to hear you." I say pushing her back from the curtain

"Sadie idk what to do but we need to go on so just try and cover it up for now." I say leaning towards the curtain.

Sadies pov
Im sitting next to y/n. We've just finished the first and main interview and are on commercial well the cameras and crew set up the next game. Y/n and millie are talking and laughing. Everytime I try and say something millie cuts me out of the conversation. Shes so annoying sometimes and she keeps touching
y/ns leg and grabbing her hand like im not sitting right here watching it all. I don't know why y/n is just letting millie be all touchy with her but its annoying.


And we're out Jimmy says smiling at us thank you guys for coming today

"thanks for having us." y/n says. Jimmy smiles walking us all out of the building we all say our goodbyes to Jimmy and the sets bodygaurds lead us through the crowd of paparazzi, back to the car. We all find our seats the driver climbs into the car as we all buckle in. Y/n smiles at me but I just ignore her turning my head away.

(Y/ns pov)

Once me and sadie got home it was already dark. We got into the house locking the cold air outside.

"what do you want to eat?" i ask putting my bag down and removing my coat

"im not hungry." Sadie says. I know she lying

"Are you mad at me?" I say

"No why would I be" she says back quickly

"Baby come on why are you mad was the hickey thing really that big of a deal? im sorry i really didn't mean to." She rolls her eyes and sits herself on the couch folding her arms

"Sades, please don't be mad at me im sorry" I say walking towards her

"I said im not mad."

"then what is it?"

"Nothing!" shes says turning her head away. I walk over to her putting my hands on her knees

"Sadie please." I say

"Don't act like you don't know" she says looking at me

"I- I don't know i need u to tell me!" I say back to her

"WHAT DO U THINK!! you and millie at the interview she was touching you rubbing your knee and grabbing your hand and you didn't even care. And and I tryed talking but you guys wouldn't listen you acted like you didn't even care about me!"
I let out a small laugh, which makes her even more angry 

"Sadie." I say placing myself next to her on the couch "

you know i love you more then anything else in this world."

"But do you.." she says quietly

"Omg!" I say grabbing her face turning to mine

"Ofcourse I love you. God your stubborn. Sadie you're my everything and you know that. I love you and only you." She dosent respond but she keeps our eyes locked

"Baby I chose you, not millie YOU and I will always choose you forever, I love you." Sadie smiles

"I love you y/n." She says

"Good. Now what do you want to eat." I say. Sadie rolls her eyes before tumbling over top of me. We both giggle sadie holds me down to the couch.

"The last thing im thinking about is food rn." Sadie says pushing her lips onto mine moving my hair from my face

"You're mine." Sadie says

"Yes I am." I say back blushing as sadie pushes her lips back to mine.

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