Part 10

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To say things were tense between me and Alex is an understatement. She avoided me at the hotel no matter how hard I tried to talk to her. But every time I see Alex I can't help but let a little smirk cross my face when I see her neck. There was an enormous hickey on her neck from a couple of days ago. You could tell she was pissed. The friendly was in two days and my mind and heart wouldn't decide what it wanted. Alex is risky, she could hurt me at any time, but she makes me feel alive and loved. Laure is a great person, she's safe which is what I need. She's been trying to get a hold of me but I keep telling her I'm busy with training. To get my mind off of things I went all out in training. Winning every ball, finishing strong, and making all my runs. Before I knew it game day was here.
I waited for the elevator to come when I seen Alex and Kelley step beside me. They didn't anything but I seen Alex quickly glance at me then look back down. Kelley got impatient and went for the stairs, but Alex stayed not saying a word. The elevator doors opened and we both tried to walk in at the same time.
"After you Lex," I said gesturing for her to go first. We were slowly going down when she quickly grabbed the collar of my jacket and pressed her lips to mine. She waisted no time slipping her tongue in my mouth and nipping at my bottom lip. It's been so long since we've kissed it almost felt foreign to me. She pulled away too soon for my liking.

"Have you decided yet?" She asked her quietly playing with the collar of my jacket.

"Yeah I have.... Do you remember when I left your room the other day and I said it's always been you?" She nodded and gave me a pointed look.
"Well what I was trying to say you're the only one that I can bring the worst out of, but still loves me and has faith in me. I'm about to go talk to Laure soon and end it officially. I love you Alex Morgan even though we have caused each other so much pain and regret." I was suddenly interested in the tile in the elevator. The elevator stopped and Alex slowly stepped out. She turned to face me before the doors closed.
"Let me know how it goes." With that she walked away.
"Hey babe," Laure greeted me pulling me into bone crushing hug. "I've missed you so much. Did you see my interview? What did you think-" she started to ramble.
"Yes, I saw your interview and I started crying for some reason," I chucked softly "can we go get something to eat I need to talk to you."
"Yeah sure... lead the way." She wrapped her hand around mine.
We sat down at this tiny diner near her hotel.
"How's camp been Toby?" She asked when our food arrived.
"Can't tell you that because I'm not allowed to fraternize with the enemy." I winked at her and she started laughing. She's so happy and she loves me so much... this is going to be hard. She noticed the look across my face.
"What's wrong Toby?" Concerned etched in her eyes.
Should I tell her?
"Nothing at all," I smile weakly.
I went to take a drink but nearly choked. "How's Alex been doing?"
"I'm sorry what?" anxiety entered my system.
"How's the bestie been doing?" She smiled.
"Um she's good obviously still Alex. Your back line better be ready for baby horse back there. She's been killing it on the pitch."
"I think we can handle her." she smirked. "So what was so urgent that you needed to talk about a minute ago."
"Oh yeah," How do I do this? "I feel like I never tell you how beautiful you are enough." She grabbed my hand and started rubbing circles with her thumb. It was getting harder for me to talk. I let out a deep sigh. "I love you Laure but there's something you need to know... I slept with Alex." I looked at Laure straight in the eyes and seen her process what I just said. I could see the flurry of emotions in her. Tears started escaping her eyes and I lost it.
"You didn't do anything wrong Laure I swear. I wasn't over her and I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I'm in love with her so deeply in love with her it's hard for me put it into words. I was going to tell you but I never got the chance to tell you in person."
"How long?" She interrupted her voice broken.
"A while back... I can't remember when."
Laure got up from her seat and quickly walked to the door trying her hardest not to cry. I sat there for a minute but decided to go after her.
"Laure wait!" I ran down the street to catch her.
"Fuck you Tobin! I don't want to hear it right now okay? You've done enough damage already. I gave you every part of me! I trusted you and I loved you! We had something good and I wanted to marry you!"
"I didn't think any of this would happen. I'm sorry I don't know how to express to you how sorry I really am."
"I'm done Tobin I don't want to hear anymore so please just stop. I'll see you in a few hours I guess." She walked down the street never looking back.
I walked back into the hotel going straight to my room. I flopped on my bed just wanting to forget what just happened. I should talk to Alex now but I'm not ready to do that. Before I knew it we were loading the bus to go to the stadium. I was the first to sit down putting my headphones on trying to not notice Alex. She sat down beside me giving me a quick glance.
She intertwined our hands and signaled me to take off my headphones.
"I'm assuming by the look on your face things went very bad with Laure?"
"Oh no she took it very well. Of course it went bad. I just broke an innocent girls heart!" I whispered yelled at her.
"We both knew it was going to happen Tobs. Doesn't mean you could've prepared for her reaction."
"I know it just sucked," I smiled faintly at her "but now we can be happy Lex. And I don't have anything to feel guilt about it."
She squeezed my hand reassuringly.
The game was rough. Unnecessary tackles were made, yellow cards were getting handed out like candy. France was not holding back. We were tied 0-0 in the 88th minute when Alex got a break away Laure was sprinting after her soon it became a 1v1 situation. Alex created space between them and got the shot off, but not before Laure slid into her. The keeper was too far off her line and the ball went into the top right corner of the net. The bench jumped up in excitement and the team went to congratulate Alex but she was down on the ground holding her ankle. I ran over to her as fast as I could.
"Lex are you okay?" I asked urgently.
"It hurts so much," tears were escaping her eyes. The medical trainers went to check her and I went to find Laure.
"What the hell!" I yelled at pushing her a bit. "That was totally uncalled for and you know it."
She looked at me showing to emotion to my words. "That's not the only thing that was uncalled for right? And shouldn't I be the one saying what the hell! How could you do this to us?" Her voice raising a bit.
"Ladies cool off the game is about to resume play." The Ref said to us.
"Well finish talking after the game." She said walking away.
The final whistle blew and I went straight to Alex.
"You okay Lex?" I kneeled down to look at her ankle that was taped up.
"Yeah I'm fine Toby but you know what could make this better?"
"No what?" I asked curiously.
"A kiss for my epic goal," She smirked.
"Only because you're the best," I smiled pressing my lips to hers. It only lasted a couple of seconds before I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Really Tobin? I'm literally shading 30 feet away from you." Laure said anger evident for her voice.
"Laure why would you try and hurt Alex? You should've went after me instead." I walked up to her and noticed something in her hands.
"Why would I try and hurt the women I love and want to spend the rest of my life with?" She got down on one knee and held up the engagement ring. It was so beautiful but I soon realized the what was going on. I looked around and noticed the TV cameras were on us and I heard the team gasp behind us
"Tobin Heath after everything we've through and as much as I hate you right now... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you please Marry me." Her eyes were filled with tears.
I looked around for Alex and seen her hands over her mouth. Her eyes showed fear and I felt helpless. Laure knows I can't say no on national TV. Fuck my life.

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