Part 8

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After hanging out for a bit at the hotel and making out here in there we left for the airport. I need to call Laure so we can figure this out.

"Hey" the beautiful raspy voice took me out of thoughts. "We'll be okay Tobs. I love you but I am curious to know what we're going to tell the team. Are we even going to tell the team?"

I thought for a minute and grabbed her hand that was on my thigh. "They can figure this out themselves, I mean we're not exactly very good at keeping secretes." I laughed as we pulled into JFK. "So how are we going to go about this? Are we going to walk in together or separately?" We got out of the car and got our stuff and made sure to lock the doors. I never answered her real question but walked beside her making sure to brush her hand every once in a while. We never talked about if we were going to go public or not, but I don't want to take the risk.

"You can hold my hand you know?" She teased and we seen Morgan and Julie in the lobby.

"But I haven't ended things with Laure remember? And if she sees this it will kill her." Alex's body tensed at the sound of her name and she walked faster. "Lex you can't expect me not to care about her feelings. We did spend six months together and she did make me move on from you hurting me so." I knew she took a jab at the reminder that she was the one who go married.

"I told you that was a mistake and you know what! I don't want to talk about it anymore." Her lips pursed as we approched Moe.

"Hey little Moe." I said pulling her into a tight hug. "What's been happening?"

"Hey Tobs, um you know just lost the national championship which sucks, but I'm happy to be back here with you guys. How have you been lately?" I sat down beside her.

"It's been chill you know. Just living the life I love right now." I smiled at her and sighed.

"I miss Eric really bad. It's hard being away from each other all the time... How do you and Laure manage to get passed it?" There was that name again. I grimaced slightly when she asked.

"Um it's hard for sure but if you really love each other than it will work out. Don't sweat it little Moe it's gonna work out just fine?" I laughed at the last part just fine really? Has everything really worked out just fine for me?

"How is Laure anyways? Last I heard PSG advanced to the quarterfinals."

"Uh yeah she's so excited! She's been really busy with training lately, so we haven't talked much." I said with fake enthusiasm. Moe didn't catch on but she did catch me off guard.

"How long have you and Alex loved each other?"

I have her a confused look to try and through her off but she was still unfazed. "What do you mean?"

"Come on Tobin even a blind man could tell how much you love each. How long exactly though?"

"I don't know, but I loved her before she loved me. The thing is she hurt me really bad and I ran, but she makes me feel something. Something I can't feel with Laure. She's my person, the only person I will ever be capable of loving with all my heart. Whenever I'm with her things just feel right. When we're together she's my home. But to really answer your question it was her first year with the national team when I realized she was it for me." I didn't realize I was smiling at the thought of our first real conversation when Moe said something.

* 2010

We had just arrived in St. Louise, Missouri for our training camp.

"Hey Lauren who's this new girl that got called in? She must be really good according to her stats from the U-20's." I said. "Her name is Alex and yeah she's one of the best strikers I've seen." We got into the locker room to find some of the team already at the hotel. "HAO I've missed you so much." I yelled when I seen her in the lobby. "Tobs I missed you too you little loser!" After catching up with some of my teammates I seen this pretty girl walk in the lobby. She locked eyes with me and followed my gaze towards coach. "Ladies this is our new call up Alex Morgan so I want you guys to do your best to make her feel welcome here.

When we went to dinner Alex sat by me but didn't say much."

"Antisocial much," I chuckled "Or just slightly uncomfortable?" "Maybe a little bit of both." she said not looking me in the eyes.

"You don't need to be intimated you know? You worked your ass of to be here, you earned your way into this camp. So pick your head up kid and try to make some friends here." She finally looked up and that's when I noticed how blue her eyes were.

"I looked up to all of you when I was in college. I'm scared to mess up and be the weak link in this camp." her raspy voice caught me off guard for minute.

"That's one of best parts about camp. Making mistakes and learning from them, heck we all still mess up."

"What's the other best part of camp?"

"Oh that's easy," I smiled at her "getting to know me."


"You really love her dude, but what are you going to do about Laure?" she asked

"That is what we're fighting about right now. Laure's supposed to be flying in next week and I want to tell then."

"Hey they're loading now," she pointed out "don't worry about Laure you'll figure it out." I gave her a small smile and followed her through the tunnel.

When we boarded the plane I found my seat number and saw Julie sitting in Alex's seat.

"Alex asked if she could switch me spots and I didn't want to be mean and say no." she explained quickly. Alex is still mad?

"Do you remember which seat you we're in before?"

"Yeah she's two rows behind us and she's on the left." I found her and Moe in the middle of a conversation when I interrupted them.

"Hey Moe can I sit here please?" I silently begged for her to say yes and I could feel Alex glare at me.

"Yeah sure thing! You were next to Julie right?"

"Yeah I was thanks dude." I sat down and Alex turned her head the other way.

"We aren't going to get anywhere in this relationship of you don't stop being so damn immature." I told her.

"I'm being immature? You're the one that's cheating on two girls."

"I'm not cheating on you." I sighed.

"Have your broken up with here yet?

"No." This is going to go on forever I kept thinking.

"Then you're cheating on me still." She finally turned her head to face me.

"Alex do I love Laure?" I asked

"That's the thing do you love her?"

"Do you even know how much I love you? I love you so much that I can see us growing old together in rocking chairs outside of our house watching our grandchildren play outside. I see us having so many stupid fights and lovely moments together. I see the life we are meant to have. You're my future Alex." I picked up her hand and started to play with her fingers.

"You may have not know it a couple of years ago but you do now" To seal the deal I leaned and and gave a small peck on the lips.

She left her eyes closed for a minute. When she opened them she smiled. "I love you Tobin Heath don't forget that."

"I won't ever forget that Lex." I laced our hands together and enjoyed the flight.


I am extremely sorry for the longest wait ever but school will be out soon so expect more updates!

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