Part 7

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I wake up and feel something on my chest. I open my eyes and see Alex barely covered by the sheets and her arm slung around my waist. I feel a pang of guilt wash over me as I stare at Alex. Laure. Out of nowhere my phone rang and I knew only one person would call at five in the morning.

"Hey baby." I said through gritted teeth. I cheated on my girlfriend but I don't feel bad about it.

"Hey babe how was catching up with Alex and Kelley?"

"Uh it was good I guess Kelley got wasted and started drunk texting Hope. That was pretty funny, so Alex and I just went back the room and talked. You know just sorted things out so were good now." Tobin Fucking Heath stop lying to your girl.

"It's great here Tobs but it would be better if you were here too. The girls all miss you especially Lindsey and Kosso. They miss there American homie." She laughed god she's so adorable and I just broke her heart. An alarm went off in the background and I heard yelling. "Hey Toby I have to leave for training but can we Skype tonight? Before you go into camp tomorrow."

"Yeah sure thing." I looked over at Alex and I knew she was up and listening.

"Alright I love you Tobin."

"I love you too Laure ." Then the line went dead.

"You still love her?" The raspy voice said and I froze. Alex was sitting up with a pissed off expression on her face. I turned to face her and let out a sigh. "I spent 6 months with her Lex you can't expect me not to love her. I love you, but you hurt me and I hurt you. I'm sorry." I said crawling back into bed next to her and she just looks at me. Her eyes always seem to penetrate right through me.

"So what are you going to do?" She asks propping herself on to her elbow.

"About what?" I asked cluelessly trying to avoid the topic she was going to bring up.

"Same old Tobin, avoid the conversation and try to distract the other person. That's to bad because it's not going to work this time." I just stared at her. Not because she noticed my tactics to things, but also she just looked stunning in the morning. Why does she have to be so damn beautiful.

"Tobs," she asked carefully "Are you going to tell her?" I didn't know what to say, I just don't know what to do. So I did what any human would do in my situation, pushed the thoughts into the back of my mind.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around Alex. This felt so right but we both knew it was wrong. I pulled her closer to me, her face in the crook of my neck and her hands tracing patterns in my skin. Love her Tobin. I knew what I had to do. I grabbed the sheets and pulled them off Alex.

"What the hell are yo-" I cut her off by smashing my lips on to hers. Round 2 is about to start.

After we got dressed and ready for the day out with Kelley I decided what to do about the Laure/ Alex situation.

"Are you ready Tobs?" Alex asked looking for the car keys. She had her back towards me and I creeped up behind her, snaking my arms around her waist kissing her cheek softly.

"I love you so much Alex Morgan." I whisper. She smiled a real smile and it made my heart swell.

"We have to leave now Tobs or else we are going to be late."

"Okay" I sighed reluctantly. We picked up Kelley and went to get something to eat before we met the team at the airport.

"Yo Tobs I haven't seen you in a long time." She joked getting in the back seat. "So what did you two do last night since I couldn't make it?"

"Oh we went to a club and just hung out." Alex said casually making a turn into the parking lot. "You didn't miss much Kells, so don't worry dude."

We were in the middle of lunch when I stepped aside to go to the bathroom. I was in the middle of washing my hands when my phone went off startling me for a minute. I seen that it was Lindsey and thought it was kind of strange for her to be calling me so late.

"Hey Linds! What's up?"

"Hey Tobin um so I have to ask you something kind of personal." Her voice trailed off a bit.

"Shoot" I didn't realize I was pacing in circles until a lady came in and I almost ran into her.

"Nothing happened between you and Alex right? Like you guys haven't done anything right?

"Um yeah?"

"Tobin I need you to be honest with me."

"Last night we kind of did it... What's going on Lindsey?"

"Yesterday Laure asked me and Koso to go with her to go shopping. And we passed by a jewelry store and she walked inside and she was looking at engagement rings."

I froze in place for a minute. "Rings!" I yelled loudly.

"Yeah, she got one and she wants to ask you when you two see each other in person again. So I need you to make up you mind Tobin. Do you love Laure or Alex?"

"It's complicated Lindsey, I don't expect you to understand." I sighed slightly frustrated.

"Tobin do you not understand anything that I'm saying! She wants to marry you, dude she wants to start a life with you, but you don't even know what you want!" She paused for a minute. "You two hooked up already didn't you?" She asked but it was more of a statement.

"Yeah," I whispered "It kind of just happened."

"You know Laure is constantly stressing about Alex."

"I know but the thing is I don't feel guilty about any of it."

"Then the choice is clear Tobs, end it with her before she finds out the hard way."



After lunch we went back to my place and hung out. "Hey guys I'm going to go to the restroom real quick." Alex said getting up. As soon as she left the room Kelley turned to me.

"I don't get you two, you know that right? One minute you hate each other but the next you're all lovey dovey. The last time I talked to you, you hated her so much and you were happy with this girl you were in love with. But now you two are close again and giving each other sneaky glances and lingering touches thinking that I wouln't notice...Tobin please tell me you two didn't have sex." She couldn't look my straight in the eyes when she was talking.

"We're complicated Kells, I mean it's like we've been to hell and back together."

"But you also ruined your chance of moving on." She pointed out. "Tobin just try not to get hurt okay? I've got to go I'm meeting Christen for Coffee in a few." She got up and gave me a quick hug. I sat back down on the couch zoning out to my own thoughts.

"Hey where did Kelley go?" Alex asked sitting next to me on the couch.

"She left to go have coffee with Christen. Look are we going to talk about last night?" I asked carefully.

"Well we had sex and said we love each other... so what else is there to say." I started to play with her fingers nervously.

"Alex do you want to be with me? Like do you actually want to be my girlfriend or is this all some fucked up mind game." I asked grabbing her hand taking it in my mind, and for the first she looked at me.

"Of course I do Tobin, look I didn't know I felt the same way until you actually left me. Tobin Powell Heath I love you so so much. I want to be your one and only girlfriend for the rest of my life."

My heart swelled with joy when she said that. I gently stroked her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss.

"I love you Lex."

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