The Security Woman

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The security woman

In a loud and crowded room I am found alone,
Overstimulated is an understatement
for how I feel.
The feeling as I watch others smile and laugh
while my face is a stone,
Is not a well feeling.
It feels as if there's a hole in my heart,
a hole that's deep and keeps getting deeper.
Till a bright light shines on me,
a bright light that's the opportunity to escape.
The nice security lady comes to my rescue,
she comes and helps me and lets me escape.
She allows me to leave the room and catch my breath,
a friend she is to me.
I feel as if she recognizes the pain in my eyes,
the eyebags under them.
It felt as if she knew what it was like to
Have mountain ridges for arms.

To be thankful to her is an understatement.
Kind is all she's been to me,
and grateful to her I will always be.

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