(Click) The channel was changed again...

Other than the kidnapping, 'The Rebels' have also broken into a high security armed vault and stealing dangerous weapons and other classified military equipment as it seems they also had plans to sell the stolen weapons in the black market...

(Click) The television was turned off...

This was not the only incident that has happened.

For the past couple of weeks there have many similar cases...

· A lawyer, along with another woman, had their throats slit.

· An elderly lady was strangled in her own home with chains.

· A college student was found dead with charcoal like eyes behind the school he was attending.

· A fake security guard was shot in the head and was only found dead the next morning.

· A salary man that was ran over.

· And recently a trusted middle school teacher was burned alive in his own house, but luckily his family was not inside at the time.

The news has been going crazy ever since these mass murders have started.

Unknown to anyone, in an unidentified garage where a scared man is chained to the walls and gaged as the news was playing on the television of the event that occurred the night before.

The person that turned off the television sighed and got up as they walk to the driver's side of the car, wiping off the blood that was on the window.

They then walked to the front hood of the car, swinging the keys in their hands, as they were checking the melted flaps on the cylinder engine thinking that they're 'gonna have to do some repairs again'.

The unknown figure walked closer to the scared chained man and started to remove the gag.

"Please. We were just doing our jobs. We have no idea what was going on. They were paying us and..." said the man, as he was punched in the face before he could even finish talking.

"Shut up," said a serious feminine like voice.

The man did what he was told as the woman then grabbed both his cheeks hard with one hand, from the bottom of his chin, and lifted his head up to make him look up to her face to face.

"This is how it's gonna work. I'm gonna ask you some simple questions, and your gonna answer them to me, Truthfully, or else. Do I make myself clear?" asked the woman seriously.

The man shook his head out of fear as to not make his abductor angry.

"Good..." said the woman as she then roughly pushed the man's head back, when she was letting go, and grabbed a chair to sit right in from of him to interrogate him.

"Now then. Tell me. Where were you boys transporting those dead bodies ya took from that hospital's morgue?" asked the woman, with complete seriousness in her eyes.


The scene changes to the top of a forested hill that overlooks sits a building that is in the shape of an 'H', and the front gates having the letters 'UA' embedded on it.

Inside the building, a certain black hair teacher was watching the latest news in the staff room as he ponders.

After last night's event, he has been wondering about the fiery figure he saw not only kill a notorious gang, but also save the son of Endeavour from the brink of death, and on the week after he got his acceptance letter as well.

Which only brough 1 question that still lingers in his mind...

"Who was that?" he mutters as he continues to watch the news.

Now up next on today's sports news...

The racing road track queen 'Kate San-Ganza' is making a come-back stunt show after being on hiatus for almost 3 years, as well as making a special announcement which will explain her sudden short retirement at the 'Tokyo Dome' with who she has quoted a 'special guest' will be joining her as well.

Tickets are already starting sell out fast as fans have waited long for the racing prodigy to start driving on the racetracks once again.

As such, we were also able to get an exclusive interview yesterday to get more information about the up-coming stunt show...

'Sorry y'all, but as I said before, this show is a surprise, and I don't want to ruin it for everybody because I want this to be special once I get back to racing on this here road again...'

As the said girl was talking, Aizawa noticed something...

The racing star was swinging and catching the keys in her hand the exact same way as the Samaritan did the night before.

Something seemed off to the underground hero as he watched the interview, so he decided to visit a certain gang member at a hospital to get some answers.

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