CHAPTER XI - The Gauntlet

Start from the beginning

"What's your problem?" Tynan asks harshly, brushing a piece of dark hair from his face.

"My problem? You think because you made friends with Barlowe and Siefert that you have the right to be a dick to your own squadmate?" Ridoc questions, sizing up Tynan.

"Exactly. Squadmate." Tynan responds, gesturing to the Gauntlet. "Our times aren't just ranked individually, Ridoc. We're scored as a squad, too, which is how the order for Presentation is decided. Do you really think any dragon wants to bond a cadet who walks in after every other squad in the processional?"

"They're not timing us for Presentation today, asshole." Ridoc takes a challenging step forward.

"Stop." Sawyer says, stepping in between the two first-years. "Take it from someone who made it through Presentation last year: your time doesn't mean anything. The last cadet to walk in last year bonded just fine, and some of the cadets in the first squad onto the field were passed over."

"Little bitter about that, aren't you?" Tynan smirks. I want to slap him.

Sawyer ignores the remark. "Besides, it's not called the Gauntlet because it weeds out cadets."

"It's called the Gauntlet because this is the cliff that guards the Vale," Professor Emetterio says, entering the crowd. "Plus, actual gauntlets—armored gloves made of metal—are slippery as hell, and the name stuck about twenty years ago." He cocks a brow at both Tynan and Sawyer. "Are you two done arguing? Because all nine of you have exactly an hour to get to the top before it's another squad's chance to practice, and from what I've seen of your agility on the mat, you're going to need every second."

A grumble of assent goes through our little group.

"As you know, hand-to-hand challenges are on hold for the next two and a half weeks before Presentation so you can focus here." Professor Emetterio says, flipping a page of the notebook he holds in his hands. "Sawyer, you're going to show them how it's done, since you already have the lay of the land. Then Pryor, Trina, Tynan, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Elaine, Violet, Aurelie, and Luca." A smile curves up his lips. "You're the only squad to remain intact since Parapet. That's incredible. Your squad leader must be very proud. Wait here for a second." He walks past us, waving to someone higher up on the cliff.

"Aetos is especially proud of Sorrengail." Tynan says to Violet.

"Look, if you want to talk shit about me, that's one thing, but leave Dain out of it." Violet snaps back.

"Tynan," Sawyer warns, but Tynan doesn't listen.

"Like it doesn't bother any of you that our squad leader is fucking one of us?" Tynan exclaims, throwing up his hands in protest. He directs his gaze to me. "Or that our Wingleader is doing the same?" I narrow my eyes.

"You know nothing about either of our lives, Tynan." I snap, taking a step forward, my vision going red.

"Honestly, it's none of your godsdamned business who me or Elaine are sleeping with, Tynan." Violet says, stepping in. I give her a grateful look.

"It is if it means you get preferential treatment!" Luca adds in, backing up Tynan.

"For fuck's sake," Rhiannon mumbles, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Luca, Tynan, shut up. Violet isn't sleeping with Dain and Elaine isn't sleeping with Xaden. Violet has been friends with Dain since they were kids, or do you not know enough about our own leadership to know his dad is her mom's aide?"

Tynan's eyes widen in surprise. "Really?"

"Really." Violet says, confirming the statement.

"And Elaine knew Xaden when they were teenagers, they're friends." Rhiannon finishes. I shoot her a grateful look.

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