Chapter 25: Rise

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After her victory at Cute Contest, Seikatsu could accede at Wallace Cup and took the picture with MegaAbsol and Grimmsnarl for Lilycove City's Museum. Piers instead had triggered even more curiosity towards his music, so much that he started to be demanded at Slateport City, Mauville City and Lilycove City for concerts, thing that made him really happy and he accpeted to organize them once he was done with his tour of promoting with Seikatsu. Piers told the news all happily to Seikatsu, and she hugged him for his waist, lifting him up and shaking from right to the left, with him who let out small whines and was pouring on her head as he didn't know where to lean, leaving confused Banette, Zoroark and Latios, so much that the Marionette Pokémon said:"It shouldn't be the opposite?" The other two shrugged:"He's a toothpick and she's a small waredrobe, what do you expect?" Zoroark said, meanwhile Latios:"Pray and thank that she wouldn't hear you." The three sneered, when Seikatus put Piers down, who was a bit perplexed but very amused:"I see that Grimm's influenced you!"-"Ehm no, simply I took confidence, eh eh eh!" Seikatsu giggled, a bit embarassed:"Better this way, at least ya don't treat me like a porcelain doll, 'cause I'm your fav singer."-"No, but cut it out with this story." Seikatsu concluded laughing, making Piers' lock on his eyes and a bit in his mouth too. The boy didn't want to give the last word to Seikatsu, neither let her win, so he took her from behind and started to tickle her hips: the two fell on the ground, and Piers risked to be beaten up, but he managed to kiss her and they calmed down, getting back on their feet, keeping chuckling even meantime they were going out, giving light pinches or pats on each other's butts. Latios, Banette and Zoroark pretended to not seeing anything, because they were so happy to see Seikatsu with Piers.

Seikatsu and Piers celebrated alongside their journey friends the success of both, with their Pokémon too. They spent a good evening all together, and Seikatsu recieved flowers from her little fanbase, meanwhile Piers recieved pats on his shoulders from his former colleagues, with Banette and Zoroark's mocking in the background. Seikatsu and Piers would had left in two days, so they stayed to celebrate with their friends until at some time, but Piers and Seikatsu weren't tired and she brought him to the Eon Island: it was still her home, where she had spent basically her entire life and she was happy to come back there, even just for one day after two months.

As they came back to the Eon Island, Seikatsu looked at it as it was passed years: she remembered when she was five and her grandpa Drake had built that house, going to live there with Latios, Banette and Zoroark to play at first, but as she grew up, she left the grandpa's house to live and establish herself in that small house definitely. Piers went to the bathroom, leaving her alone to contemplate the house as she had been far away for an entire life, sensation that he had too when he came back to Galar after two months spent at Hoenn. Seikatsu came back to her bedroom and smiled to see the posters of Piers hunged to the wall: she remembered when she discoverd him, falling in love with his voice, than having a crush when she saw him in pics and videos. Seeing those images let her astonished, because Piers had become more than concrete in her life, coming to start a relationship with him. The boy came from behind and wrapped her shoulders with an arm:"Heya, look that ya can contemplatin' me whenever ya want to on live." He said chuckling, meanwhile she chuckled too and hugged him:"Yeah I know, but anyway for me it's weird. I mean, you've been a secret crush, let's say that, as only my Pokémon knew about it, and I'd never expected all of this." Piers hugged her from behind, leaning his chin on her head and starting to wave at the rhythm of a slow dance: Piers was doing it on purpose, meanwhile Seikatsu wasn't noticing it. Curious to know why he had been a secret, he asked her directly:"Why was I your secret crush? Ya knew about my existence, I didn't, but anyway we still live in different regions, why didn't ya tell it to no one?" Seikatsu jumped, but she didn't detach from him: she told him about the effects he had provoked to her, that after months they didn't disappear, that somehow she felt understood, listened to and also cheered up, meanwhile in her relationship she felt empty and devalued:"I was nineteen when I started listening to your music. I was attempted to share your music as a new interest, but I blocked and I kept you hidden: well you're exactly the type I like, he wasn't, so I avoided to talk about you." Piers was astonished but chuckling he asked:"Really? And ya put down the posters every time?" Seikatsu giggled:"He didn't even know about the Eon Island. I never brought him here. I've never done anything I have with you, between flights and various experiences. Even Latios refused to let him know that he can speak. None of my Pokémon liked him." Piers was astonished:"At least you didn't seem so inexperienced in bed." Seikatsu blushed:"No, I did something, but let's say that I imagined you in his place. I took a bit to leave him, even thanks to your songs. They helped me a lot." Piers held even more tightly:"I can imagine how much beautiful it'd been to see that it was me for real. Anyway, story always weirder."-"Yeah, but you're not so different! You're weird and absurd too!" The two laughed, finding themselves always closer to the bed, because Piers had played innocent by waving and making her coming closer and closer to the bed, giggling and hiding his face when Seikatsu noticed that:"You did it on purpose! And I thought that you were just romantic!"-"Ah, that's not romantic?" Piers said chuckling, dragging her on the bed. Seikatsu tried to wriggle out, laughing in the meantime, but Piers lifted her up and carried her to the bed, having a playful fight, then they dedicated to the original purpose of Piers, very well welcomed by Seikatsu anyway:"Okay, it's romantic this too." Seikatsu admitted by smiling, with Piers on top of her:"See? I was right!"-"What? Now you feel the champion of the world 'cause I said that you're right? As I've never done it?" Seikatsu asked laughing, meanwhile Piers nodded proudly:"Of course, you girls prefer to die than giving right. Especially if it's about a pumpkin head like ya."-"Pumpkin head who?!"-"You!" Seikatsu jumped on him to tickle him, keeping laughing as two idiots, then they passed to a different type of battle.

Piers X OC Tsundere! (Pokémon SWSH Eng Version🇬🇧)Where stories live. Discover now