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At ???

??? : sigh "well great now i'm alone without my brother, oh well it's my fault too for messing with him. But well at least he still forgive me and now he even gave me a responsible for this one, and hehe now i can do what i want, well not really but yeah. Anyway now how do i gonna make them to here. . . Should i do the same as what my brother do or hmm... Ah, I know!"


At Azur lane base

It's just another normal day in Azur lane base, some were playing at the beach, some just doing their own business or problem and etc.

But suddenly the has freeze like time is being stopped, everyone is not moving except for some that were on the invitation list.

Everyone that were not being freezed is now at the meeting room, discussing what the hell just happen in here.

Hornet : "what just the hell is going on here,Why does everyone is freezed like time itself is being stopped?!"

Hood : "perhaps it's a new way of the sirens to attack?"

QE : "there's no way those sirens can do something againts law of physics! Yes their technology may way more fururistic than ours but there's still no way!"

And then the rooms start to be full of noisy conversation of what the hell is happenning.

Enterprise : "please, everyone calm down!" She says with banging her hand to the table.

This makes everyone then suddenly calmed.

Enterprise : "let's think together of we solve this problem together and not yelling at each other-"

Enterprise suddenly being cut when Hornet suddenly talk and pointing at the window.

Hornet : "guys, what light is that..?"

All the shipgirls then look at the window and then after that everything turned into white, bright white.


At ???

All the shipgirls is now arrived.
But still unconscious.
Except for Hornet.

Hornet : "ugh... w-what just happenned..?"

Shee look her surrounding.

Hornet : "where is this...?"

She then look at the shipgirls that were still unconscious and she try to wake them all up.

Hornet : "guys wake up!"

None is wake up.

Hornet : "tch.."

she then pulled out her gun and shoots it in the air.
And that makes everyone suddenly got woke up.

Bismarck : "siren attack?!"

QE : "where!?"

Hornet : "guys calm down calm down, it's just me."

Everyone is looking at Hornet amd then all shout in unison "Don't do that again!"

Hornet is taken back surprised.

Hornet : "okay okay, i'm sorry."

Tirpitz is looking around her surrounding.

Tirpitz : "where are we?"

Everyone realized and then got confused.

Rossiya : "what's the last thing that happen to us?"

Azur Lane React to Some Videos [ON HOLD?]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon