"Italy?" Sky whispered, shouted, and I got that she was surprised, but Italy.

"Kyla. This has always been your dream. We have nothing to stay for here." She told me, and she was right, but I still needed to re-evaluate my life choices. What if I got that job I was applying for at the electronic store? Jessica seemed nice.

We entered through the stairs as we were heading to the west wing.

"So, this Matteo guy." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"It's late, Skyler. we'll talk about it in the morning." I changed the topic and smiled, fighting its way onto my face.

Sky opened the door, and we got inside. I took a shower and I wore my pj's and she wore hers and I got in bed and I switched off the lamp on my side.

"Night, baby sis." She yawned.

"Night." I replied, and I fell asleep from all the exhaustion from today.


I woke up surprisingly happy. What is this strange euphoria? I jumped out of bed, and I missed a step, so I face planted right there, on the floor like an idiot.

Sky helped me up, and she was awake before me? I followed that amazing aroma to the kitchen.

"I know you've been cooking, and your food has been good, but I thought let me cook for a change." She said, leading me to the crisp chocolate chip pancakes. My favorite! These golden brown and there are some chocolate bits inside, this was cooked to perfection.

She sat opposite me, and we started eating. One bite, and my taste buds were off the roof. This was my second time eating pancakes in my whole 18 years of life.

"Are you sure you cooked this?" I finished the last of the pancakes.

"Yes." She chuckled, and I chuckled with her. This was nice. We are eating and acting like sisters again.

"You can borrow my spare glasses until you'll be able to borrow your own." She gave me round blue framed glasses that were a little too big. Now I know why she never wore them.

"Thanks." I wore them, and everything was so much clearer. How was I able to read without these glasses?

"Come on, we need to get ready. I'm sure my phone and laptop are ready." I excitedly said, and I stood up.

"I've never seen you this excited." She smiled at me.

"That's because I've never been this excited." I pointed out, and I ran to the shower.

I quickly showered, and I washed my wildly untamed hair. After that grueling process, I got out and looked in my closet for an outfit that could be applicable for today.

"We need to get new clothes." We both sighed at the same time.

"Wait. I thought you had new clothes." We both said at the same time.

"No. My friends wanted to give me these clothes but I refused." Sky said, looking at a faded blue jumper.

"Maybe you can wear that with the sweater I have." I gave her a warm yet old sweater.

"And you can wear my oversized track pants and the hoodie that goes with it plus it black." She said the last part in a sing song way, knowing how much I love black and blue.

"Deal." We shook on it and did our fair trade of our clothes.

We quickly got ready, and I glanced at my backpack with the money.

"There's the money." I showed Sky, and her eyes widened as she saw the warps of cash in my bag.

"What are you planning to do with it?" She asked, and I thought about the offer that Willow gave us.

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