Growing Up

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I don't enjoy the things I used to anymore.
A sunset used to bring me happiness.
The ocean used to bring me peace.
I used to be able to find happiness in the little things.
Is this what growing up is like?
Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was protected from the pain of the world.
To before I felt heartbreak or disappointment from my parents.
To when I was just a little kid who really knew nothing.
I miss my youth sometimes.
Even though it was filled with its own pain, I didn't understand it yet.
Is this what growing up is like?
We're forced to feel pain and get over it because we're adults.
We can't break down and cry like we did when we were kids.
I never did want to grow up, I was too scared of being an adult.
Now I know my fears were valid.
I'd give anything to wake up a kid again.
If this is what growing up is like, I don't think I want it.

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