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i know we've all experienced having a "crush"

whether they like you back or nah,like meh,i feel hopeless cuz i know I don't have any chance on him,he never showed signs that he's interested but it's ok,im ok:(

either your crush is someone you see everyday,someone you saw once and never saw again,a celeb or a fictional character or whatever lol

many of us wants our crush to like us back or at least for them to notice is

so i know some of us would like to mirror our crush's style,fashion,or even personality

we do things in order for them to notice us

but no matter how we like them,i hope we should not change ourselves for them

we should stay as who we are

you should stay as who you are luv

there is no need to change yourself for him

because you,makes you.

stay as who you are luv,because that's what makes you beautiful

should i repeat?

you're more gorgeous than how you think you are;)


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