Chapter 3

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The doctor took a few minutes to arrive. The longer he took, the more panicked the others became.

Once through the door, he rushed over to Cale.

"What happened? "

Alberu explained everything to him.

"All right, I'll give him some basic care for now and then we'll see."

With that, he set to work, first checking her body. Seeing her condition, he provided her with an oxygen mask with a mana stone on top that diffused clean air, finding that there was nothing more he could do for the time being. He addressed the crown prince.

"His condition is stable for now, do you have a room we can transfer him to? "

"Of course, I'll point it out to you."

As soon as he understood where she was, he asked for someone to help carry him. Eric volunteered.

Eric followed the doctor, followed by the other nobles and Taylor, while Alberu stayed behind to send off the nobles left in the room. Not forgetting to threaten them not to say anything about today's incident.

None of the nobles protested, seeing the look on the Prince's face, they left immediately, allowing Alberu to join the doctor.

Once in the room, he could see the doctor resume his work on Cale.

"His pulse is too fast and his temperature is high, he needs cold water and compresses" he took everything out of his space bag and placed them on Cale's body.

The doctor then approached Alberu.

"Do you know what's wrong with him?"

"From what I've seen, he's exhausted, his body is completely overworked. Hence the high fever, which is giving him breathing problems. He absolutely must rest and do nothing, otherwise his condition is likely to worsen, even his heart is affected by his condition. He must have started feeling exhausted a long time ago".

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