Chapter 22 - The King's Festival

Comenzar desde el principio

Approaching a specific tree, they performed the ritual to return to the human world and the city of Hi. The portal opened, and they crossed, leaving behind the Realm of the Elves and all those who believed in them.

As they approached the gate, Hiro and Hikari spotted Arthur waiting for them, and to their surprise, Draco was also present. Arthur raised his hand and exclaimed excitedly, "HEYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

Hiro embraced Arthur with joy, saying, "Good to see you, Arthur! And you too, Draco! But how did you end up here?" He then hugged Draco as well.

Draco replied, "Arthur is a friend of mine, and he told me that you were coming to confront the leader of that group trying to destroy the world."

Hiro exclaimed, "Great! Let's plan our attack as we hit the road!"

Arthur intervenes calmly, "Hiro, calm down. Let's stay here today and enjoy the festival that's happening. I think Hikari deserves this festival more than anyone."

Hiro is confused and asks, "But why? And why is this festival important to Hikari?"

Draco explains, "Hiro, many of these soldiers may not return home, and this might be their last day to have fun. So, Arthur and I thought, why not give them this day? As for the importance to Hikari, you'll find out."

Hikari becomes curious and turns to the elven soldiers, saying, "Enjoy today to the fullest. Whatever you want, put it on the account of the Realm of the Elves!"

The soldiers cheer in euphoria, entering the festival to have a good time. Now, the five friends explore the festival together. As they walk, they admire the decorations made of squirrels and acorns, enchanted by the magical atmosphere of the place.

When Hiro, Hikari, and Ace are noticed by the population, the festival becomes even livelier. The inhabitants approach them to thank them for saving the city, and some shout from a distance, "Long live the heroes!" "Hail to the heroes!"

The new leader of the city approaches them and asks them to follow him. As they walk, the excitement of the people increases upon seeing them. When they arrive at the desired location by the leader, he says, "Girl, when I tell you, pull this cloth, okay?"

Hikari is confused and asks, "But why me?" The leader replies, "It just had to be you."

Though confused, Hikari agrees, and the leader gathers all the inhabitants and soldiers to listen to his speech. He announces, "Today, we celebrate our freedom, and it's all thanks to these heroes. Without them, we wouldn't be alive as we are now. So, let's celebrate and show our gratitude to them!"

The leader looks at Hikari and says, "You can pull it now!"

Hikari pulls the cloth, and to her surprise, a massive statue of King is revealed. Emotion overwhelms Hikari, and tears stream down her face at such a tribute.

The leader continues his speech, "For those who don't know, this is our true King! On the day of the great battle, one of our soldiers was present and witnessed the entire scene! This being, though small, had a heart bigger than any of us. Without hesitation, he gave his life for this city! That's why he is our king! Anyone against it?!"

Hikari cries emotionally, as does Hiro and Ace, while the people shout, "HAIL OUR NEW KING KING!"

The leader approaches Hikari and says, "Don't cry. He wouldn't like it. We owe our lives to him, and besides, he's not dead!"

Hikari wipes her tears and asks, "But I buried him with my own hands."

The leader replies, "That doesn't mean anything! You know when a person dies?"

Hikari asks, "When?"

And the leader answers, "When they are forgotten! And he will never be forgotten. Here, he will live forever in our hearts, just like in yours!"

Hiro, with tears in his eyes, asks Arthur and Draco, "Is it okay for us to stay here today?"

Arthur and Draco, who had already planned everything, grab Hiro, Hikari, and Ace and say, "Let's have fun! We don't have time to sit and cry!"

And so it was throughout the day. They drank, sang, and danced until late into the night, celebrating life and friendship. Every moment was precious, and together, they embraced each instant with joy and determination. Through laughter and cheers, they strengthened the bonds that united them and prepared for the challenge ahead.

As the night progressed and the sky illuminated with bright stars, Hikari lay down with a smile of genuine happiness. Gazing at the starry sky, a shooting star streaked across the firmament, and she thought of King, whispering tenderly, "Now you can rest in peace, my eternal king."

However, in the city of Nébula, someone was watching. A dark raven flew through the skies of Hi, and a malicious laugh escaped as it said, "Enjoy yourselves while you can, for when you arrive here, you will know despair! Hiro, I look forward to our encounter!"

Can our heroes save the world of Nebula?

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