Chapter 6: "A Homecoming and a Departure - The Heart's Crossroads"

Start from the beginning

"I'm so proud of you, Aromi," her brother said with a smile. "You've accomplished so much, and I can't wait to see what else you achieve in the future."

"And I'm proud of you too," Aromi replied. "Getting accepted into Harvard after your second try is a testament to your determination and hard work. You're making everyone proud."

The two siblings shared a heartfelt moment, knowing that even though they were miles apart, they were always there for each other.

As the days passed, Aromi spent quality time with her parents and grandmother, whom she fondly called "Aita." They sat together in the living room, sipping on chai tea and sharing stories of their time apart.

"Aita, I missed you so much," Aromi said, her voice filled with affection.

"And I missed you, my dear," Grandma replied, gently patting her hand. "It warms my heart to see how much you've achieved."

Aromi cherished every moment spent with her family and friends. They organized a small gathering to celebrate her achievements and bid her farewell before her return to South Korea.

"It's hard to say goodbye, but I know you're meant for great things," her mother said, her eyes filled with pride.

"I'll miss you all so much," Aromi replied, her voice filled with emotion. "But I promise to stay in touch and visit whenever I can."

During her two months in India, Aromi's bond with her family grew stronger. They supported her dreams wholeheartedly, and she knew that their love and encouragement were the pillars of her strength.
After spending two fulfilling months with her family in India, the time had come for Aromi to return to South Korea and pursue her dream of being an interpreter. As the day of her departure approached, a mix of emotions swirled within her - excitement to continue her journey and a tinge of sadness at leaving her family behind once again.

The morning of her departure, her family gathered around her at the breakfast table. Aromi's mother served her favorite Assamese dishes, making sure she had a hearty meal before her journey.

"I can't believe it's already time for you to leave," her father said, a hint of emotion in his voice.

Aromi smiled, trying to hold back her tears. "I'll miss you all so much," she said. "But I promise to work hard and make you proud."

Her little brother, who had recently returned from Harvard, chimed in, "I'll be waiting for you to visit me in the States once you achieve your dream."

Aromi's grandmother, held her hand lovingly. "You've come so far, my dear," she said. "I know you'll conquer the world."

As they finished breakfast, Aromi's family gathered in the living room. Her father held the car keys, and together, they drove to the Dibrugarh Airport.

The drive was filled with a mix of silence and heartfelt conversations. Aromi's heart was heavy with the thought of leaving her family, but she knew that this was the final step towards achieving her dream.

As they approached the airport, Aromi looked out of the window, taking in the familiar sights of her hometown. The tea gardens, the river, and the lush green landscapes brought a sense of comfort, and she felt grateful for the love and support of her family.

At the airport, Aromi's family accompanied her to the check-in counter. As they stood in line, they exchanged loving glances and silent reassurances.

Aromi's mother hugged her tightly. "Take care of yourself, beta," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Her father embraced her next, a mix of pride and sadness in his eyes. "We believe in you, Aromi," he said, "and we'll be counting the days until you come back."

Her brother, with a wide smile, said, "You're going to do great things, Aromi. We're always here for you."

Finally, it was time to say goodbye. Aromi hugged her grandmother, who held her face in her hands and blessed her with heartfelt words.

"You are our shining star," Aita said, her voice soft yet full of strength. "Go and make the world yours."

Tears welled up in Aromi's eyes as she hugged each family member one last time. She carried their love and blessings in her heart as she proceeded to the security check.

As she walked towards the departure gate, Aromi looked back one more time, seeing her family waving at her with tearful smiles. She waved back, trying to convey her love and gratitude.

With a determined spirit, Aromi boarded the plane to Delhi and then from Delhi to South Korea. She settled into her seat, her mind filled with memories of her time in India and the unwavering support of her family.

During the flight, she thought about the incredible journey she had undertaken - from a small village in Assam to the bustling streets of Seoul. She knew that this was the final step to achieve her dream of being an interpreter and working with MYM Entertainment.

As the plane touched down in Seoul, Aromi felt a renewed sense of purpose. She was ready to embrace this new chapter in her life with all the passion and dedication she could muster.

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