Chapter Nine.

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Charlotte's Pov

When I opened my eyes, I found myself tied by chains. They had tied me so tightly that I couldn't even breathe properly. I looked around for Engfa, but she was nowhere to be seen.
I was locked inside a dark room.
I couldn't even see anything. Nothing was visible in that place.
I called for her, but there was no answer.
"Can someone hear me ?" I screamed as loud and possible as I could.
But no one must've heard my scream.
I kept trying to free myself for hours, but it was of no help.
Then I loosed hope of living.
I prayed to god that before I die, I would want to see her for one last time.
For one last time, I wanted to tell her how much I love her.
For one last time, I want to hug her and promise to wait for her till another 1000 years.
I wanted to just hold her for one last time.

As I was praying to God, suddenly I heard someone entering the room.
The door slowly opened, and many people entered. Suddenly, they threw someone on the floor.
Then they turned on the lights.
I was devastated by the way she looked.
She was full of blood. She had scars all over again. I crawled to her, and she opened her arms.
She was crying, and so was I.
Why was my fate so bad.
She also crawled to me while they just laughed at us.
I finally went to her and she hugged me.
"Oh love, what has happened to us ?" She cried.

"Everything will be okay," I lied to her.
I knew that nothing would be better but, still I lied to her. That ached my heart, seeing her teary eyes.
Her blood was now on my clothes, and her tears were falling down on my cheeks.
"I love you," I whispered.
That made her cry even more.
"I love you more," she cried.
"I just found you, and here we are already on our last breaths," she said admist her tears.
"Maybe we were meant to be apart," I said, holding my tears.
"Shores, apart," she said, making the tears I held back rushing out.
I then realised that it was all because of me. Suddenly, they started pulling us apart.
"Nooooooo," I screamed.
"Please !!" She begged.

Suddenly, I thought of something.
If going through hell would help me save her from these monsters, then I happily would.
"Wait !" I said, and he stopped.
Everyone looked in my direction.
"I will let you do any experiments you want on me, but you'll have to promise me that you'll let her go," I proposed a deal between us.

Engfa looked at me and kept saying no.
"This creature does love you, doesn't she  ?" A man said while picking Engfa up.
"She is far better than you, monsters," she said, spitting on his face.
That made him very angry, and he slapped her.

"Listen here, you little shit, I would have killed you for that, but a deal is a deal.
I will spare you," he said while pushing her to the ground.
"No, please. You don't know what they are planning to do with you," she begged.
I closed my eyes, not wanting to see her in that condition.
Then, two men came forward and picked her up. They were taking her out of the room, but I knew if she was left alone in this condition, then she'll definitely die. She was badly injured and would not survive a day in the wild.
"Please, can I kiss her ?" I asked him.

"What !" He said, shocked and disgusted.
"Please !!" I begged him.
He uttered something under his breath and then called those two men.
One of them was very kind.
He untied my chains, looking very sadly at me. His eyes had tears in them.
I could definitely say that he didn't want to do this.
"Thank you," I said to him,making him burst into tears.

They brought her to me and placed her in my arms. I hugged her tightly for one last time. "You don't have to do this. I don't want to live knowing that you'll be going through hell every day," she said.
But that was my only way to save her.
She meant the world to me, and to protect her, I would gladly die 100 times.

I pulled her closer and rested my forehead on her forehead.
"You have to live for me. For us," I said and then kissed her. I kissed her, knowing that it was the last time.
She, too, gave her everything. Our tears were falling onto each other.
I could still taste fresh blood from her mouth. Then I closed my eyes and kissed her hard. Then again, her wounds were healing.
But, what she didn't know was, I wasn't curing her wounds. Instead, I was transferring all her wounds to me.
I can not cure wounds, but I can take those wounds.
I did that before and am doing it now. I would happily take all her pain even if it meant hurting myself.
In no time, she was fully cured. I didn't want her to taste blood from my lips, so I pulled away.
"Bye, my love," I said and turned away.
Suddenly, I was vomiting blood. I didn't know they had hurt her so badly. Thank god, she didn't see me, vomiting blood.

"Look at me. One last time. Please," Engfa begged, but I didn't want her to see me fighting for my life.
They had to drag her away.
"You do love her, don't you," the man said.
"More than anyone," I said as I saw her disappear into freedom.
Then he turned towards me and grabbed my neck.
"How I would love, venting all my anger on you," he said as he pulled me closer to him, and then he threw me hard on the floor.
I couldn't even move a muscle.
As I closed my eyes, I accepted my fate.
I heard horse steps.
"No, please, you aren't supposed to be here," I prayed.

But, there she was. She was coming right at us and then knocked that man.
She pulled me on the horse, and we rushed outside.
They were following behind us, and I
knew at that moment that we both would die.
But, suddenly, she stopped.
I was confused because the enemies were right behind us. Why would she stop all of a sudden ?

"Look," she said. I looked at the direction She was pointing at and then saw that we were near the sea.
"After all, I did promise to take you to the sea," she said, smiling at me.

"They are coming," I informed her.
"I know," she said, pulling out something from her pocket. It was a bomb.
"Let's die together and then be together in the afterlife," she said as she kissed my forehead.
"I'd rather let you die in an instant than get tortured every day," she said.
"Dying with you is my greatest pleasure, Engfa," I whispered, not being able to speak properly.
I cried at our fate. How can mother nature be so cruel to us.
We were separated back then and now, too.
We didn't deserve this.
I waited hundreds of years for her to just die.
We were definitely the most unfortunate lovers of the universe.
I just got her back. She just got her memories back.
We still had lots to do.
We had to live together.
We had to run in the green grass filled garden, and
we had to enjoy the stars at night together. We had years to sleep in eachothers arms.
We had so many memories to make.
We had so many kisses to share. We had yet to love each other.
We came down from the horse, and Engfa patted the horse, signalling it to run. The horse ran away. And when it was out of sight, Engfa activated the bomb she had.
She set it for one minute.
After seeing that we had a bomb, the enemies ran away.
I looked at her.
There were so many things I had to say to her, and one minute was too short for it.
No one said a word. We just looked at each other and smiled as the bomb exploded.
"I love you," she said right before the bomb exploded. Then suddenly everything became dark and extremely quiet..............



Hey guys, I really hope you guys liked this story. Thank you for coming this far.
Sorry if I made any grammatical errors as English isn't my first language.
Have a nice day, everyone!!!!
Thank you for supporting me.
LOVE YOU !!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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