Chapter Four

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Engfa's Pov

It was about 3:36 am. when something woke me up. It was a strange sound.
I looked at Charlotte, but she was still asleep. I then secretly peeked through the window and saw two guys around my bike.
They were dressed in all black, and I immediately knew who they were.
I instantly woke up Charlotte, and then we hurriedly went outside from the back door. I peeked at my bike, and no one was there, meaning they must've gotten inside.
I immediately started my bike, and Charlotte hopped in. I saw someone opening the window and shouting,
"she is over there,". And in a matter of seconds, they were firing at us.
I drove my bike in a zigzag pattern to avoid the bullets, and it worked.
Fuck, now they know that I have her.
They'll definitely come after us.
They also hurried to their vehicle and were following us.
"Give me your gun," Charlotte said.
"Why ?" I questioned, but instead of answering my question, she snatched my gun and turned back and aimed at one of their wheel.
Surprisingly, it hit their wheel, and they couldn't follow us anywhere.
"Impressive," I complimented her.

It was dark, and we were driving through jungle. I mean, I was scared, but, hey, I had a literal mermaid with me. We tried to drive through forests in order to prevent us from unwanted attention. We had to make a stop at a local shop for eating.
She was immune to hunger, but I was not. I packed something for the road, and then we again continued our journey. Charlotte was very quiet today.
"Is something bothering you ?" I asked her whilst driving the bike.
"I have such a unique destiny, right ?" She asked.
I was confused by this question and didn't say a word.
After some time, she herself started speaking again.
"I mean, your grandfather ruined my entire life, and now you are saving my life," she said sarcastically.
I didn't find it funny one bit. Instead, I felt very guilty for her condition.
We again stopped near a pond because we had to make a plan before entering the main town.
It was also night time.
I know the government must've had all their agents looking for us at this moment. I was thinking of a plan while she transformed into a mermaid again.
I couldn't even think anymore.
She had her back turned on me, and yet she looked so attractive to me.
Her glowing blue tail was so mesmerising. I couldn't take my eyes off them. I felt this sudden urge to jump in the water myself.
I tried shaking my thoughts off, but my intrusive thoughts win.
I took off my jacket and jumped onto the water.
She was scared by my sudden action.
She slowly turned around and now was facing me.
My heartbeat increased in a very abnormal way. She looked so beautiful.
Even her eyes were glowing, not in a scary way, though. They were shining like stars.
I swam closer to her, and I noticed her getting all tensed up. The closer I got to her, the heavier her breathes were.
Charlotte was definitely panicking inside. I liked the feeling of her getting all tensed up in my touch.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, many fireflies surrounded us.
They were looking like stars. The moon, the fireflies, me, and her like this were surely giving butterflies to me.
She slowly leaned her head on my head and relaxed.
I kept reminding myself to control myself because it was definitely awkward to kiss her right away.
"So, what's the plan ?" She asked me.
I panicked and said, "Nothing, we'll be going to sleep now and do nothing further than this,".

She raised one of her eyebrows in confusion. "You mean this is where you're gonna leave me ?" She asked.
"Off course not, why ?" I questioned her.
"Because you said we won't go anywhere further than this," she said innocently.
I looked away to hide my embarrassment. I can not explain all that to her. So, to prevent myself from any more embarrassment, I came out of the pond. She was still on the pond, looking at me.
Oh god!! Her looking at me like that is giving me gay panic.

After some time and many distractions, I came up with a plan.
We will be changing our identity. We will act like we are locals of the town and even dress like them.
I told her that we'll be hiding our identity and transforming ourselves.
Then it was our bedtime. She came out of the pond and laid beside me.
Now, she was very close to me. Our hands were touching, and I was speechless. We didn't have any blanket, and it was cold outside, so I was shivering a little. Then, out of nowhere, she hugged me, making herself like a blanket and giving me the warmth I needed.
I swear, by each passing hour, I feel more tension building between us.
I closed my eyes but wasn't asleep.
After some minute, I felt something on my cheeks.
Then, slowly, I felt her tracing my cheeks from her finger. She traced till my jawline and even lower than it.
Now she was tracing my collar bone.
She was very close to me. So close that I could feel her breathe on my skin.
I was having a heart attack inside, but I had to act asleep.
She definitely has rizz. Then I felt her leaning close to me. Now we were only inches away. I was preparing myself for a kiss but sadly she pulled away.
I was kinda disappointed though.

She still cuddled me. And now I was falling asleep even without knowing.
I felt very comfortable in her arms. They were very comfortable and soft.
Then tomorrow arrived and we entered the town. We went to a dress shop and bought some burka to hide ourselves.
Now, there was no way they will find us.
We were just fulling our bike with petrol when a guy fully clothed in black came up to us.
I held Charlotte's hand tightly.
"Hey, have you seen her ?" He asked.
He was holding a photo of me.
"And there was also a lady with her, have you seen them ?" He asked again.
I moved my head in denial.
He then went away.
I left out a relief sigh. Charlotte was holding something and I saw that it was a gun. She had stole the gun from the guy. "What did you do, Charlotte?" I scolded her.
Then I saw the guy running towards us.
I grabbed Charlotte's hand and then pulled her on the bike. We didn't even pay the price. We just drove into busy street that had so many crowd.
We had definitely destroyed many things on the way.
Now many guys were after us. We left the bike and then went to hide inside a shop. It was a furniture shop. We both hid inside a wardrobe.
We could still peek a little from inside.
I saw that they had entered the shop. They were looking all over the shop and Charlotte was breathing heavily.
In that way, we could've gotten caught, so I put my hand on her mouth.
After sometime, I saw them going out of the shop but, my hands were still on her mouth.
Then she bit my hands. I winced in pain.
"What was that for ?" I scolded her.
"That's what you get for preventing me from breathing," she said.
I couldn't even argue with her, because she was practically right. I had stopped her from breathing so, it was my fault.
I accepted my defeat and then apologised to her. Then we came out and sneaked outside.
We couldn't risk getting on my bike, they could easily recognise it by now.
So, we had to find another way of transportation. But there was no car showroom in this town neither was there any bike showroom.
As we were roaming around, we saw an old man selling his horse.
We both looked at eachother and then we knew that we had the same idea.
I tried buying the horse but, I only had cards and there was no ATM or any other electronic way of payment.
Then suddenly out of nowhere, Charlotte brings a bag full of pearls and hands it to the man.
He was very happy and gave us the horse.
It was a black horse and it seemed very healthy and strong.
Suddenly I remembered something important. I don't know how to ride horses.
She laughed at me and then climed the horse. "Come on," she said, forwarding her hand.
"I know how to ride horses," she reassured me and then I took her hands.
She pulled me onto the horse.
Woah she is much stronger than she seems.
Then she started running the horse very well. I was just looking at her.
She just mesmerises me more everyday.
Now we were out of the town and into the jungle again.
"I didn't know you were good at horse riding," I said to her.
"There's much more you don't know about me," she said.

Wait what ? What else, I don't know about her ???

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