But there were so many topics and questions to avoid, so many things she wanted to talk about but couldn't. She hated how guarded he could be. All Nala wanted was to know Jeremiah the same way other people do. She wanted to know the real Jeremiah Fisher. 

   "Kenai wasn't thrilled about me going away for the summer," She says, trying her best to change the subject. "He said he needs his best friend this summer, and that there's way too much going on for me to miss him catching me up." 

   "From what you've told me, your hometown sounds super messy." 

   Nala huffs. "It wouldn't be that way if everyone just stay out of each others business. Kenai's like the random fortune teller on the side of the street, he's all-knowing." 

   Jeremiah picks up one of Nala's bikini's, scowling at the sight of it. "No way are you wearing this. Did they even finish making this?" 

   Nala snatched it from him, she couldn't contain her smile. "You're such a dad, Jeremiah Fisher! It's just a bikini, and I only planned on wearing that once." 

   "Oh, yeah? When's that?" 

   "My first Cousins beach party," She smiles. "Figured I could have a little fun this summer. I've been so focused on school and you, I haven't really had time to get to know somebody as anything other than friends." 

   Jeremiahs eyes sauntered back to the bikini. "No. Not happening. Actually, I think we're gonna keep you inside all summer." 

   Taking the bikini, he tosses it in the trash before picking up her zipped luggage. 

   Nala rolls her eyes. "You're a dick, you know that?" 

   "But you absolutely adore me." 

   "I do... I hate that I do right now." On her way out with the rest of her belongings, Nala picks the two-piece out of the garbage and throws it in her tote. There was no way in hell Jeremiah was gonna tell her what to wear. 

   Later that day, they'd passed by the Cousins Beach sign. Jeremiah watched as Nala neared the window, rolling it down to stick her head out and get a better look. Her curls flowed in the wind, and a bright smile rested on her face. 

   That's how he liked to see her. Happy, smiling, okay. Nala had some serious anxious issues, ones that sometimes got in the way of life. The first day they met, Jeremiah thought she was exaggerating until he'd seen it with his own two eyes. 

   Something clicked between them after a few months. After sharing memories and secrets, passing along stories and telling each other their goals, there was one thing that they both knew: Nala needed Jeremiah, and he needed her, too. 

   He glanced every now and again, seeing as her smile had only gotten brighter as the scenery continued to change. She pointed out surfers and all the ice cream shops, she even made him stop so she could take pictures of a huge rose garden on the way. 

   But everything changed when they reached the house. Her smile fell, but she still had her head out the window. She gripped the door as they pulled into the driveway. 

   "Woah... You live here?" She finally turned to him. Jeremiah had already been staring. 

   He nods. "I mean, during the summer, yeah," He chuckles. "You like it?" 

   "It's amazing... No wonder you love it so much." 

   He smiles. "It's not so much the house itself. While it's beautiful, the memories are even better." Jeremiah gets out the car and walks to her side, opening the door for her. "Everyones waiting for us, we should head in." 

   The two of them haul her luggage in. Well, more like Jeremiah made her watch and Nala sat helplessly. She had a love-hate relationship with how much of a gentleman he was. There were times where she loved having doors opened for her and her stuffed carried. But Jeremiah never let her be independent much, not like how he used to. 

   When they got in, there was a bunch of noise coming from the kitchen. Nala followed his lead and they headed into the wilds. 

   Three people stood around the island, a blender in the middle and the most amazing smell coming from it. Nala felt her senses tingling, she had to get her hands on whatever it was.

   "Yo, Jeremiah!" The first to run over was a tall, lanky Asian boy. Nala knew him to be Steven, Jeremiah's best friend since forever. Nala knew the Conklin's had spent every summer her with him, his brother, and his mom. She knew how tight they were. 

   Jeremiah's brother, Conrad, gave him a quick side hug before attending the blender again. There was only one person left, Nala knew exactly who she was. From her brunette hair to her distinct tan, the girl could be no other than Belly Conklin. 

   Nala still didn't know much about the two's past, but she knew it pained Jeremiah to even say her name -- to even talk about her. They'd simply looked at each other before the attention was turned to Nala. 

   Suddenly, her anxiety came back full force. "Everyone, this is Nala, my college best friend. Nala, this is everyone." 

   Everyone said their hello's before turning back to the blender. "What're we making?" Jeremiah asks. 

   "Pomegranate margaritas." It'd taken him back to two summers ago, the one with his mom, the one when everything went completely and utterly wrong. 

   "I haven't had those in so long, they better be as good as the last time." 

   Conrad scoffed. "Oh, they'll be even better." 

   "Let's just avoid another blender debacle," He laughs. 

   "The one with your dad's briefcase?" Nala asks. 

   Conrad glances between her and Jeremiah. "You know about that?" 

   Jeremiah rolls his eyes. "Nala's all-knowing. Now hurry up with the drinks, I'm dying to get my hands on one." 

   Nala's anxiety spiked higher than high. She didn't know if she should run away or slowly dissolve into thin air. Her chest felt a little tight, and she felt like she might pass out at any minute. 

   They hate me, she thought. I shouldn't have come here.

   As if he could read her mind, Jeremiah wrapped an arm around her and brought her closer. He noticed her shaky hands and the way she picked at her fingers. She looked dazed again, but it was far worse than before they left. 

   And although her worries didn't magically melt away, his quiet act of reassurance brought Nala just the smallest bit of calm. 

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