Monty was looking at the menu until you three walked up. He had a look of shock, "What in the world-"

"We will be joining you for a moment to discuss a little issue," Moon said. He was about to sit when Sun beat him to it.

"I call window!" Sun said enthusiastically. 

You laughed at his goofiness. You were so involved in laughing that you didn't notice Sun grabbing you. 

He pulled you down into the booth close to him. Your faces are nearly inches apart, and both of you blushed. 

Moon was not having it and sat down. He pulled you away from Sun closer to him. Sun pouted but managed to scooch closer to you. The two practically trapped you in that spot.

Monty looked like he was having a field day, "Enjoying yourself Y/n?"

"Oh shut it gator! You got me in this mess in the first place!" You whined.

"A good mess might I add," Sun added.

You paused, "Maybe, but that is beside the point-"

"Let's cut to the chase, we need to discuss your little prank, Monty," Moon stated matter of factly. 

The waiter came to the table as you were about to have your conversation. "What can I get you all today to drink?"

"Lemonade!" Sun exclaimed.

"I want (drink of choice)."

"A Coke, please."

"Same for me."

"I'll have those right out for you all!" The waiter then left.

Sun was looking at a menu as Monty replied, "What prank?"

"You aren't fooling anyone, Monty, that thing where you had Y/n make us sign a marriage certificate." 

Monty looked like he was caught red-handed. "How did you figure it out?"

"You didn't have the best disguise, everyone can tell you are an alligator animatronic," Moon stated matter of factly. 

"Y/n had a good disguise though, very hot too," Sun commented.

Moon couldn't help but nod, a slight blush on his cheeks. "A-any way, we need to figure out what to do about this situation. The new is having a blast right now and we aren't exactly married." He paused. "Maybe legally but we barely know each other and-"

"The certificate is fake dudes," Monty stated taking off his shades. 

"Dang it," Sun muttered to himself.

"Then we still have the issue with the press."

The waiter was back with the drinks. "Do you know what you all want yet?"

You all gave your orders and they left again.

"How is that an issue? Seeing as Y/n likes you you might as well run with it."

"Monty that is a-" You were about to say a ridiculous idea but Sun interrupted you.

"Great idea! We could just tell the press it was practice for the real deal. The reason for the kerfuffle was the Y/n was too embarrassed to do it another way!"

"Yes, we could say we are their fiances'" Moon added. 

"W-what? But we just met! I don't know if I am even interested in having a serious relationship yet!" You squealed out. 

"The press doesn't need to know that," Monty stated. "At least it will get them off Sun and Moon's case since they have been single for so long."

Sun sweated, "It is a very popular topic since everyone seems to like us."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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