:Part One: Chapter Eleven

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Eli blushed, Elliot scowled, and Chris snickered. I reached for his hand, and was even more marvelled at the gentle but firm shake. "And I am Chrystal Jenkins, but do call me Chrys," I said, smiling charmingly. "Charmed to make your acquaintance."

Eli grinned, bent over and kissed the back of my fingers, all while holding my gaze. "How do you do?" he said. Oh, yes, I was doomed indeed.

Elliot decided to cut in then, yanking Eli from my grasp. I blinked cheeks red hot from blushing. But I wasn't embarrassed. From all the parties I'd been forced to go to, very rarely did a hand shake have my blood singing. It was a melodious tune I liked to hear again.

"Stop embarrassing me, Eli," Elliot growled. "If you're done being a complete idiot, let's go."

Idiot. I felt the stab shoot down my spine, and up came back anger. He called his brother an idiot for charming me? He'd insulted me yet again.

"You," I said, meeting his gaze. "Have no authority to show a newbie around, Elliot."

Elliot rolled his eyes. "He's my brother, that's all the shit I need."

I blushed, rolling my eyes. "How is your uncle a lawyer?" I asked stupefied, while Chris snickered. Elliot glared at him then at me. "I wonder how you can keep up. A thought must rotate in that empty shell-head of yours, knocking here and slowly, oh so mind gratingly slowly, flying to the other side, before you can process it. I pity you, Elliot."

Elliot looked murderous, while Eli and Chris laughed behind him. I knew I'd gone too far, and it was my chance to leave. "Eli, it will be my pleasure to show you around," I offered sweetly.

Eli nodded, much to his brother's annoyance. "Sorry, bro, but I'm sticking to the girl," I was more than proud, to tell you the truth. It made a certain chin tilt higher as I turned around snootily and started a path into the school.

Elijah followed trustingly.

"I had the best guide when I arrived, and I always remember faces and facts for future references," I bragged, feeling flashed I was even doing it. But Elijah followed by, the sweetest guy I'd met so far.

No, there was Morgan Snoad, but doubted he remembered me anymore.

"It's why I'm here at this moment, guiding you around," I said. Elijah nodded. "We have a pretty laid back staff, but there's a sort of treaty where the students have to work. The uniform stays strictly school uniform and tidy studentsare awarded marks by the teachers."

I kept up a nice stream of information, Elijah interjecting once in a while, throwing in a flirtation that caused me to blush, a comment that made me laugh, and a smile that certainly made me feel all bubbly inside.

I noticed the differences as we went along, thirty good minutes into my second period. Elijah was just as physically adept as his brother, he had the same nose shape, but I couldn't help but notice Elijah's smirk didn't carry the same deadly spark as Elliot's.

The humour wasn't as dark like Elliot's and I realised I was having fun with him, holding on to a completely airy mood, but I liked the feel between Elliot and I more.


I was going to punish my younger brother for his unwarranted injection into my life.

"Well, here's the third period," I said, watching students flying left and right. We'd completely missed two periods. "And, one more advice: tardiness is something no teacher likes."

Elijah blushed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I, uh, sort of slept in," he said.

I shook my head humouredly. "Boys will be boys."

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