BJR--June 10th

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      I was halfway thru with these cupcakes.  Today was set aside specifically for this bridal shower brunch tomorrow.  The bride was sweet and had wanted flower bouquets for table center pieces, but she'd been referred to our website by somebody then instantly wanted said bouquets to be in the form of cupcakes.  Flower cupcakes.

      Cupcakes had been baked and today was for screamo music and decorations.

      I had woke up and fully decided that today was also the start of me being Bristol and him being Hunter.  We were going to go back to what we were, or weren't, before that Instagram post.

      It was time.  I could pep talk myself to death about that man, but I needed to follow said pep talks up with action.  Action meant--I had a date tomorrow.

      My thoughts had been all over the place, but ultimately, I'd caved and said yes.  I could just move on and way from my feeling for Hunter by catching feelings for some other man.

      I could do it.

      I had 70% faith in myself.

greeneyedgirl: might have fucked up

      I set my piping bag down and grabbed my phone, laughed then rolled my eyes at Jolene's message.  'Fucked up' for her could be anything as small as yellow nail polish to--

greeneyedgirl: aspen caught a txt on my
phone from brighton.

      Ok, so, not dramatic.  She HAD fucked up.

      Brighton was the enemy we didn't talk about.  Aspen seeing on of her best friends communicating with said enemy...major fuck up.

cupcaker: 1. what the fuck

cupcaker: 2. what the fuck

      Jolene knew he was enemy number one.  Aspen had made us all swear on our lives that we would never speak of Beau.  We were all also sworn to not speak of her to Beau.  Her brothers had to talk to him but she made the decision to remove herself from the picture so nothing would be weird.  That nobody's relationships would be fucked up besides hers and Beau's.

greeneydgirl: swear!  haven't talked to
him in almost two years

cupcaker: whatd she do?

      I breathed out heavily.  I couldn't even begin to imagine how Aspen felt, at all.

      I'd never fell head over heels, found my soulmate, then had said soulmate reject me once I'd told him of my feelings.  I'd actually never been in love before, so I was good.

      No broken hearts over here.

      You're kinda in love with Hunter, tho.

      My inner monologue was a bitch.

      "Hi.  Figured I could help you get ready for your date."  The noise that came out of me was a mix between a scream and a laugh.

      "Damnit, Rocky."  Yet again, the guard trained dog didn't alert me of someone new in our midst.  I looked over and saw the damn Rottweiler stuck and rolling around in a chunky blanket.  Hott mess.  The dog was a hott fucking mess.  Blue went over and sniffed him before pouncing his brother.  "Date isn't till tomorrow, A."  She knew this.

      "Oh.  Huh.  Could have sworn you said tonight."

      Uh huh.  Sure.  I rolled my eyes.  I'd play along.

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