They are all doomed.

277 19 39

CW: Triggering, death, sad.

*Im not watching the show anymore. Not unless Clipsy comes back.*

/File Name/Eclipse's Subconscious/Death

//Start Recording//

I gasp for breath.


This is it, hm?

After everything I did to warn them.

I warned Foxy.

I warned Moon.

I warned everyone in that damn place and outside.



I forshadowed the future.

They are all doomed and it wont matter which future will come true.

Moon laughed in my face.

He wont be laughing soon.

How is Sun doing, hm? 

Oh right, he got rid of Blood Moon and myself twice. TWICE.

You know whats going to happen, dont you?

Yet, you arent doing anything about it.


I meant what I said.

Without me, something terrible is going to happen and it wont be my doing.

1. Jigsaw

2. Creator

3. Sun

4. Monty

5. Maybe even Foxy.


I wonder....which one.....will it be?

Which one will ruin everything?

Only time will tell, hm? 

Oh and 6. Lunar.

You really think bringing Lunar was a good idea? Hm?

Just you wait.

You would be fun if Sun or Moon starts hallucinating me.


Wouldnt you agree?

Have fun HAHAHA! 


Not that any of you freaks cared about me anyway....

You didnt even see the good in me...

Maybe....I will come back....

The question is.....would I still be treated how I was the first two times....



I hate you all...

You didnt even try to understand me...

Who is the real monster now.

Blood Moon even had more guts then you did Moon.

Blood Moon was my best creation after all even in death.

I snicker.

Closes eyes.


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