A Guide To Us Eclipses

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/File Name/Eclipses Subconscious/Intelligence/

/Start Recording/

I'm always said to be the issue but im the only one that can use the star properly, and in my dimension where im a lord, everything is balanced, and there's still life, and there wasn't a witherstorm until Moon showed up. All of us Eclipses seem to just mix well with it. I modified that other star in my world, and then fought a witherstorm. I may be tired and exhausted from using my star but I still use it properly. Its obvious that mechanic me only struggles to finish his star because there's a lack of resources in that dimension. In the dimension where me and Moon are swapped, I made the star, and I made the computer so the star really was just meant to be mine, and im fully aware a witherstorm will appear, that's the goal, hm. Lord me and me are similar but our goals are different.

* /Lord Eclipse/ *

The first version of me to ever be introduced since my introduction, Lord Eclipse, is a lord and just like me, he got the star.

The differences are he reset the world from scratch and modified his star.

Lord has many resources that lack here in my dimension so he made the star stronger. He kept Sun alive and made him the librarian for his library of history. I've basically replaced Moon as Suns brother by getting rid of Moon. In truth, in my dimension I did at times want to bond with him but he made it difficult. I even tried with Lunar but you all know how that went. Moving on.

The other differences are Lord managed to indirectly imprison Vanny by trapping her in her own suit. Lord also got rid of the Glamrocks when they joined the rebellion.

Now for the similarities next to my dimension.

Lord also got rid of Lunar and tortures Monty, both, I have done and enjoyed.

He hasn't appeared in quite a while but I do believe Lord survived the witherstorm since his star is far more advanced than mine.

)---( /Mechanic Eclipse/ )---(

Mechanic is one of the Mechanics of the pizzaplex and that alone already shows the difference.

The differences;

Mechanic is a mechanic and has most likely had to fix Roxanne's go-karts multiple times and that's something I would never do. This is the only dimension I have visited and I learned about the countless differences we have. Mechanic doesn't seem to care for himself and wants to fix Sun and Moon. He gets along with his Sun and Moon and wants to protect them. I don't get along with my Sun and Moon so you can already see what I mean. Mechanic doesn't have a star but wants to develop it to save Sun and Moon. He has the blueprints but Moon never made it. Mechanics body is custom made but it looks like when I was still in Sun and he has the glow feature.

The biggest difference is he randomly formed in Sun but isn't a kill code, and isn't from Moons code, therefore, was born his own person. I feel as if I was born a Moon but then became a Eclipse.

The similarities;

The daycare looks the same and we both hate Monty and unfortunately, his being British makes it worse.

(o) /Pretend Eclipse/ (o)

Pretend is the same as me and Lord but unfortunately never got his hands on the star and is stuck with a Lunar that thinks he's a god, when he's not. He saw through Pretends façade but he shouldn't be surprised that he's suppose to serve us and not the other way around. There's a reason I have the star and that he's the only Lunar with it. Just because he has it, doesn't mean he's superior. He's a false god. He's too immature to be one.

The differences;

Pretend doesn't have the star and is stuck with Lunar. He pretends to have his memories erased and acts like a factory reset robot. Pretend does like to play games with people like me and Lord but the way he does it is far different.

The similarities;

Pretend looks like me, appearance wise. He and I have the same amount of anger and both feel betrayed. Pretend also hates Lunar.

Conclusion: Pretended is the only variant of me that needs an s.o.s, please help him. We need to get him out of there somehow. Let that Lunar drown in his own boredom. Hypocrite.

? /Swap Eclipse/ ?

Swap is the complete opposite of me and the others. Not much is known about his background but this is what I have gathered about the dimension. There's a lot of differences.

The similarities;

Swap looks like me and the daycare looks the same, that's it.

The differences;

This list goes on. Swap made the computer and it sounds annoying. He even finds it annoying. It isn't clear if he's in charge of the daycare but its highly likely. Swap's Lunar is EXACTLY how I wanted mine to be and gets along with Swap. He even listens to Swap. I wanted my Lunar to be responsible but I still wanted to protect him and that's why I always told him to stay put. At some point, I wanted him to help me but when he stopped listening, I told him not to leave the daycare because he was messing up my plans. Even though the situation in this dimension is different, it still shows what could of happened if he listened to me. Swap protects Lunar from Moon because Moon wants the star and I don't blame Swap, only I know how to use it properly, and Moon has ill intent. I doubt his world would look as nice as Lords, nor still have humans or animatronics alive. We already unfortunately have a Lunar with a star...we don't need a Moon with a star. Lunar or Moon with the star is both a bad idea.

I refuse to talk more about evil Lunar since he killed me in that dimension and that's why that variant of me isn't talked about here...for the first time in my life...I want to cry...

Suns death in this dimension also makes me want to cry...I feel like Moon did it...

We still don't know if Swap even made that star but it seems like he did. Swap and Moon seem to be swapped so he obviously made it. I never thought id see a dimension where I made the star. Its nice to see. Yes I love the star, you all know that. Moving on. I have decided to mention that Chica owns that pizzaplex because it is weird but useful information. I do need to know who owns which plex. In some dimensions, the plex doesn't even exist anymore. There isn't much else to talk about for this dimension so I will just bring this up, Lunar had a crush on Freddy....of all people...I guess its better than liking an animatronic that doesn't exist but its still weird...I don't understand why Swap let Lunar even go close to Freddy but at least Lunar learnt the hard way. I wouldn't of wanted Lunar to date anyone but I know he wouldn't of listened to me. He never did. He never did...I do have to say though...that Lunar is the only variant of my brother that I like. I'm actually jealous of Swap. Swap seems to be the only happy Eclipse variant. He's happier than all of us. Lord would be happy if the rebellion didn't happen.

Conclusion: Id say Lord and Swap are tied for the best and well balanced variants of me.

Note: This concludes the guide to us Eclipses. If more variants of me are added, I will add them on the next page. I'm aware the Ruin Eclipse just showed up today /2023/06/05 but we don't know much about the Ruin DLC yet nor what his purpose in the show will be, besides trying to play a game with Moon. I love this variant of me already. The computer says there's no traces of me, I don't agree.

/End Recording/

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