Urges and consequences

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The team (except Zachary, who stayed near the ent, he was really fascinated with the treature (haha see what i did there)) emerged from the kobold-den, along with their newly found companion. Naiara, the firbolg quickly introduced herself, then the Ovis Csoport continued their journey. However, one team member was really fascinated with Naiara, though not for the reason one would think. Scarlett haven't examined a firbolg before, and her inner scholar started to be more and more demanding with every passing minute. She knew that she couldn't hold her urges much longer; like a fire, burning uncontained. Only this fire could easily be put out.
- Sorry to ask this, but can I examine you? I'm a doctor, you know, and...
- Oh, you are a doctor as well? - asked Naiara with a calm, but excited tone. - It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow colleague. I've been one for nearly 80 years now, how about you?
- Me? 200. - answered Scarlett, with a little smirk.
- Oh my. Anyways, regarding your question, yes, you may examine me. - thus, the negotiations concluded, and the burning flames of scholarship could finally rest.
Or so she thought; for another fire was made. Though very small, it burned relentless, but not in her. Rather, in someone else...
- Oh, so you like to examine others as well? - said someone behind her back, mockingly. Scarlett recognized the voice of Mevrik, and turned her head over to face him:
- Is there a problem with it?
- The thing that happened yesterday. Does it mean nothing to you? - said Mevrik, visibly disappointed. Scarlett freezed for a moment, but answered:
- It was just an examination. Nothing more. Do not try to see things that are not present. Otherwise, I would appreciate if you would not mention it. Ever again. - her face turned slightly red in the middle of her monologue. She could sense she broke something in Mevrik, but the fairy tried to hide it under a mask of indifference. With little success.
- Yeah, not like I care. There are plenty of opportunities waiting for me, can you say the same about yourself?
Scarlett tried to remain calm. She didn't answer.
- Thought so.
Silence reigned over the two. That kind of deafening emptyness you sense when there is so much more to be told, yet no one will say a word, for one reason or another. They got trapped. Trapped in their own minds, with their own thoughts. The metaphorical prison doors closed, and those words couldn't escape anymore.

- Anyway, Zachary, how's it going? Wanna bathe together again sometime?
- W H A T

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