Chapter 3: Fondness of words.

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It had been a week and a half. The day for him to be tested by Damu Lan was almost there. Lu Ye felt like he had achieved so many accomplishments simply by practicing on his own.

He was currently engrossed in the book, studying under the silver moonlight on the roof of his room, even though it was almost midnight. However, his peaceful study session was interrupted by a group of senior disciples who walked by, their faces unfamiliar to Lu Ye.

"Hey! It's past your curfew! Go back to your room!"

No one knew why Lu Ye was in such a playful mood, but he couldn't resist making a witty remark.

"What's the worry? It's not like a Bai Chang will come after me at this time," he quipped, flipping through the pages of his book.

The senior disciples were terribly offended with the tone he was using. What's more, the name was like a forbidden word in that place. As if anyone who spoke it in jest had committed a grave sin.

"You—!" The senior disciples were incensed and charged towards Lu Ye, intent on seizing him. But Lu Ye was quick on his feet, evading their grasp with ease.

How else? Even Qing Zhu Jun took two days to chase after him.

As the rest of the senior disciples continued their fruitless chase, one of them resolved to wait for Lu Ye in his room, hoping to catch him off guard.

As soon as Lu Ye saw the disciples approaching, he knew he was in trouble. In a desperate attempt to escape, he tried to leap to another room but lost his footing and tumbled down. In a moment of panic, he reached out and grabbed the open window frame, managing to pull himself inside without a second thought.

Feeling rather pleased with himself for his improved agility after a week and a half of solo training, Lu Ye failed to notice whose room he had accidentally invaded.

It was Damu Lan's.

Damu Lan was dressed in a white inner robe that matched the color of his flowing white hair, which he had let all down for once. His hand held gently a book with no title. His face was flushed with anger, and his expression conveyed a deep sense of fury.

"Da-Damu Lan—!" Startled, Lu Ye blurted out his name.

Damu Lan closed the book. "What do you think you are doing?" Damu Lan asked. His tone was definitely unwelcoming.

"Master! I got into some trouble and was chased by some senior disciples! Please let me stay here for a while until they have given up!" Lu Ye knelt as he begged. Hoping that his request would be granted.

"No. You need to reconcile with them and solve whatever problem you have with them. Return to your room." Damu Lan said as he stood and approached Lu Ye, dragging him by his back collar.

"Master! Please! Just this once!" Lu Ye pleaded desperately as Damu Lan moved to open the door and throw him out.

In a last-ditch effort to stay, he clung onto Damu Lan's leg, hoping that his master would take pity on him and allow him to stay a while longer.

"No means no. You need to be disciplined." said Damu Lan.

Lu Ye couldn't help feeling helpless, though he knew he had only himself to blame. Breaking into his master's room without permission was a serious offense, and he was lucky that Damu Lan hadn't chosen to punish him.

Still, the thought of facing the angry senior disciples filled him with dread. He couldn't understand why they were so furious. After all, it was just a slip of the tongue.

Even so, Lu Ye still tried to bargain with Damu Lan.

"Please! Master ! Just for a while!"

But Damu Lan wasn't listening as he dragged Lu Ye that was still clinging onto his leg along.


"I will leave before dawn...!"

Suddenly, Damu Lan ceased to move.

"I will leave before dawn!" Lu Ye repeated but a little bit louder as he smiled.

"I promise!"

Damu Lan's eyes widened at that remark as he looked at Lu Ye who was smiling messily. Lu Ye noticed that Damu Lan had stopped dragging him towards the door.

Feeling a glimmer of hope, he let go of Damu Lan's leg and let out a faint smile.

Damu Lan moved back to his bed and sat down with a heavy sigh before beckoning Lu Ye over to him. Lu Ye approached hesitantly, unsure of what was to come.

"Sit." Damu Lan said as he gently tapped on the bed by his side.

Lu Ye was confused but he sat anyway.

As soon as Lu Ye sat down, Damu Lan pulled him onto the bed beside him, holding Lu Ye tightly in his embrace. His brows furrowed even deeper than before, and Lu Ye could feel the warmth of Damu Lan's body and hear his heavy breathing close to his ear. He wondered what had caused his master to be so agitated and hoped that he could calm him down somehow.

Lu Ye's curiosity about Damu Lan's state of mind was piqued until he saw the wine spilled messily on the table.

"Master, are you drunk?" Lu Ye asked.

But Damu Lan remained silent shortly before he responded with,

"You can stay even after the sun rises."

"Huh?" Lu Ye asked. It was as if there was so many "?" that popped up on top of his head and then turned to dust.

Damu Lan had fallen asleep almost immediately, still holding Lu Ye tightly in his embrace. Lu Ye's mind was still blurry, but he felt a sense of comfort in the warmth of his master's embrace. Needless to say, he also felt a bit conflicted, not knowing what to make of Damu Lan's behavior towards him.

Somehow, seeing Damu Lan sleeping put Lu Ye at ease. Earlier, he had been feeling empty and lost, but simply the sight of his sleeping master brought him a sense of internal peace.

Morning had arrived. The sound of singing birds could be heard echoing throughout the mountains. Damu Lan woke up to a pounding headache. His memory of the previous night was fuzzy but it was still clear. As he glanced around the room, he realized that Lu Ye was no longer there. However, upon noticing a small piece of paper on his side table, he knew that the events of the previous night were not just a dream.

I'm sorry for troubling you, Master! I promise you this won't happen again! :)

That is what was written on the paper. A tingling sensation spread across his skin, accompanied by a rush of pure, unadulterated joy. He carefully folded the note and placed it in his pouch before getting up to start his day. As he went through his morning routine, the memory of Lu Ye's action played in his mind, stirring up emotions and memories from his past that he thought he had left behind a centuries ago.

"He ended up leaving before dawn too."

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