Enrique nods, it was very scary. He must admit. "Um, but may I ask what did your brother do?" 

Cerillio looks surprised at him with a slight blush before looking down and gently scratching his cheek, he then clears his throat and regains his composure. "Well, your majesty you may not believe but recently people are saying that I've violated an omega" he said, "I have been to the party, I know who they are talking about but… I didn't do it with that omega" Cerillio admits.

Enrique a brow, "but you did it with an omega" 

Cerillio nods, Enrique found him strangely honest but this is a serious situation. 

Astolpho sighs, "of course he did," 

"My rut came suddenly so I had to do something about it," 

Astolpho looks at him, "didn't you have a potion" 

"It wasn't working…" 

"Of course it wasn't," he said in a sarcastic and frustrated tone. "How about we retire for the night, we will discuss this matter further another time".

Cerillio nods biting his bottom, he sighs as he watches the couple leave. 











A figure wearing a dark cloak walks into the open room of the church, he looks at the man bowing before the holy statue within a position of prayer. The cloaked figure forward their steps echoes throughout the whole empty room, upon reaching next to the pope, he rose his head opening his eyes with a gentle smile plastered across his face. 

"Your holiness" 

"Hello little fallen star" 

The cloak was a little taken aback but remained compose, "I need your help" 

The pope looks at him then back at the statue, "I cannot do that," 

The person in the cloak then grabs the pope by his shoulder, "how can you say that?!" 

"You're asking me to go against the flow of this earth to break the fate that exists, I cannot do that," he spoke calmly.

"How can you say that so calmly? When many people will suffer, many have suffered, help me end this awful tradition! Let them be able to choose!" 

"They are able to, the notion that your relationship is set for doom is entirely up to the two destinies. It's something to flow, not to force something that needs both, not one, like any other relationship exists," the pope said, towering over the cloak figure. 

"Even so, I want to change it! Throughout our generations we are only ever meant to love a person to bond with one. And we don't get to decide that, we always fall in love, but it's not always the same case for the other once rejected we are done for!" The cloak figure spoke. 

The pope didn't say much, he looked at the statue once more. "It seems the great mother heard your prayers, but are you willing to pay the price?" 

"I don't care anymore, I lost everything" 

"Not everything" the pope looks towards his stomach.

The cloak figure said nothing, but the pope turned away ready to leave. "Pray to the mother and she will give you your answer".



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The mother Goddess

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The mother Goddess

The mother Goddess

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The priest

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The priest

The priest

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