chapter 5

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So after a discussion with the healer, whose name was Uther Ramius. This is the kingdom of Hysteria. Yes, this kingdom is a big joke.

He regrets not making an effort to remember the plot but the main characters infuriated him so much that he could kill their existence right now, but they were babies right now so of course he can't do that. But he became a dad or mom, and to know his baby would be screwed over by two pieces of dumpster trash. 

He bit into his bottom lips so hard it started to bleed, the healer was startled. "Your majesty, I know you are nervous right now but please refrain from self harm. I'll be by your side" 

The healer Uther healed his lips, Enrique was surprised, he was told of magic but still to see it first hand is astonishing. That would explain him standing right now, though usually he'd get three days rest for his mental health he was currently filling for the king who was at war and recently discussing peace negotiations. 

If Enrique was being honest he couldn't care less, but then again if there isn't any peace then it wouldn't be safe to raise his child in so he can let this one go. 

'You got lucky this time Mr. King' 

If he's gonna raise a child with standards, because that's what he grew up not be. He will have a perfectly healthy environment, good parental figures, good relationship goals and a pleasant personality. If this runaway father doesn't do this, then he can poison him and find a new parental figure. 

"Your majesty…… your scaring me" 

Enrique had no idea about the grotesque expression he was wearing, but soon composed himself. "My apologies, healer Uther" 

"I am unworthy," Uther said calmly..

'Something thing tells me he says that a lot' 

Enrique sighed when he finally reached the throne room then walked up to the throne still pushing the stroller, he was careful not to shift the sleeping child too much. When he reached the throne he parked it next to him then sat in the queen throne. He went and sat inside the throne placing his elbow on the handle then supported his chin.

He waited for the royal chamberlain to arrive, his husband's so-called assistant. He looks at the sleeping child with a warm heart. The child was so precious.

So apparently this world is ABO well it was mentioned in the book which he remembers but also don't remember, he remembers the parts where alpha males are assholes not limited to the ml did pity the protagonist at some point but it was thrown out the window when he decided to stay with the Ass-shit that not only abused him but tortured and killed his baby.

He looks at his baby once more, all because he didn't have standards. The bar was too friggin low, not even low. It was buried and dancing under the lavas of hell, it was non-existent, it was even the devil praying for him, bad. His poor child.

So if this king is an asshole, it's either a personality evaluation and redeeming himself before his baby is one year old or his dipping, yeah, his taking the runaway dad or mom, his going for the milk but the baby will be taste testing the milk. 

That's how serious he is about all this bs.

"Your imperial majesty, Duke Britley of Denya would like to be granted an audience" 

Enrique rolled his eyes, "finally" he whispered under breath. "You are permitted to enter, audience granted".

As soon as the door opens revealing the Duke reveals himself, Enrique was almost left silent. Enrique should think of the consequences of coming into a fantasy novel. The consequences of questioning his sexuality. 

He should have done this from day one but he was busy pushing out a baby and thinking of his baby's future, how will he do it?! He means how will he not do it these men or friggin attractive!

Duke Britley bowed before the queen, "Greetings the mother of this kingdom, and the moon of Odessa, his majesty Ishley Emmet Siegel".

That greeting made his heart fluttered a bit not much though but it was cute, or maybe it was his voice who knows. The Duke Britley to put it in short was handsome, thick, crimson red red hair, red ruby colored eyes, thick eyebrows look at his dark red lips. 

And the way his arm crosses his chest as he looks at him, he can see why teens and women in their 20s loves fantasy men so much

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And the way his arm crosses his chest as he looks at him, he can see why teens and women in their 20s loves fantasy men so much. They are delectable. 

"Your majesty?" 

Finally Enrique snapped out his thoughts, "aw, yes" 

"Congratulations" he smiles gently 


"The delivery and the mother of Odessa has survive, is it not a reason brings and Congratulates" he spoke fluently.

Enrique closed his eyes, "yes, of course. You'd find pushing out another person takes a lot more than it looks"

"It does, doesn't it?" He said as if fascinated.

"Enough chit chat state your business" 

"It's regaining, the refugees from Rokinham. We may need assistance for building a place in which they all could stay and medicine for the omega" he said.

Enrique looks away awkwardly not even here for a week already faced with a problem he has no idea about, reminds him of high-school pop-quiz those where some nasty test that decided to show up at his worse. 

"Right, I'll try to do something soo—" 


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