06. all you have to do is apply

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     MISS MCGEE had tried to call all the parents of the five girls. Lorelai managed to cover it up since her brother was working all night. She just hoped she could keep it a secret for some more time.

"Vicious vixens perform vulgar acts before violently vacating the premises." Jane read the newspaper.

"Who wrote this? Mother Goose?" Cynthia laughed.

"Even more shocking was the ideas Miss Facciano espoused in her manifesto-like speech." Olivia continued to read.

"To paraphrase Richard Nixon speaking of his 1950 Senate opponent Helen Gahaghan Douglas, she's pink right down to her underwear." Lorelai read. "What kind of comment is that?"

"They're calling us communists." Jane lamented. "This will sink my entire campaign."

"Are you kidding?" Nancy exclaimed. "That's great press, and it's going to work perfectly. With our new jackets."

      She took out of her bag a black leather jacket with the words Black Widows written on the back and a big spider sewn on it.

"What do you think?"

"It's... violent." Olivia said.

"We're the Black Widows. Nobody messes with us because if they do, we eat them for breakfast."

"I like it." Cynthia smiled.

"It's— it's very impressive." Jane said. "Probably not the best way to convince people that we aren't vicious vixens."

"Sure thing, boss. Black widows, dead on arrival." Nancy nodded. "New name impending."

      They entered the school and walked down the corridors but the T-Birds blocked their way.

"All right, which one of you is gonna pay for a new paint job for my car?" Gil asked.

"I could buy the hunk of junk for cheaper." Olivia mocked.

"Think of it this way, Gil: at least you finally got some girls in it!" Cynthia exclaimed.

      The girls laughed.

"I'm serious! There is a distinct scratch!"

"I'll pay for it." Olivia said.

"See the paper, boys? When's the last time any of you chowderheads made the first page?" Cynthia proudly said.


"Watch out, fellas. It's the girls gang. They might beat us up... with their pocketbooks! They're suffocating me with perfume!"

"Get outta here." the girls rolled her eyes.

      The bell rang and the girls sighed. They were summoned to Miss McGee's to receive their punishment.

"Ladies." the principal said when they entered the room. "For your punishment—"

"Let me handle this." Cynthia told her friends. "We can offer you one week detention, plus cafeteria clean up, not including garbage removal. Take it or leave it."

      Miss McGee stared at her.

"Fine. Throw in garbage removal. But we're gonna need gloves."

      Lori glanced at her. She knew how to do it. That wasn't really surprising, Cynthia and the T-Birds were often in detention.

"Miss Zdunowski, children are traumatized. Parents are calling for your heads. You've created a public crisis!"

"These are very strong words." Lorelai said.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍, 𝐜𝐲𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐚 𝐳𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now